MarkCC is really making a name for himself pretty fast with Good Math, Bad Math, a blog dedicated to "shredding bad math and squashing the crackpots who espouse it." (And to think that a post of mine had a small role in getting him going and promoting him in the blogosphere; it almost makes me tear up to see him doing so well so fast.)
This time, Mark's turning his mathematical skills to deconstructing the dubious mathematics in a paper entitled Fitness Among Competitive Agents by that icon of and tireless propagandist for "intelligent design" creationism, William Dembski. The result is--shall we say?--not so good for Dembski.
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Today is the day.
Today is the day that Seed has decided to launch a revamped version of ScienceBlogs, complete with a spiffy new front page. It's long overdue, as the front page as it was had caused a number of frustrations, not the least of which is that bloggers whose posts are not as frequent…
Lots of changes here at Scienceblogs today. The editors of Seed magazine give the lowdown at Stochastic:
Welcome to the new ScienceBlogs! Beginning today, you'll notice a newly designed homepage (built from your feedback) at and the addition of 25 new blogs to our network.
As usual, Casey Luskin over at DI's media complaints division is playing games, misrepresenting people's words in order to claim that that they're misrepresenting IDists words. Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black, eh? This time, he's accusing Ken Miller of misrepresenting Dembski
in a…
I said I was baffled by why the defense, of all people, would call former Dover school board member William Buckingham to the stand in the case, and here's why: he was in a no-win situation. He was the one quoted multiple times about wanting to balance out evolution with creationism in Dover's…
Actually, the more Dembski I read, the more impressed I am by his writing. He's the only person I've ever come across who's actually managed to quote-mine mathematics. I'd always thought that that'd be nigh on impossible; evidently I was wrong.
Dembski has quite the talent for missrepresenting in 6 pages of equations what can easily be missrepresented by most creationists in a sentence or two.