More disturbing Google searches


Periodically, via Sitemeter, I like to check out what sorts of searches are leading people to my humble blog.

Recently I noticed one coming here from Italy via a Google search for "giant enema." Number two on the search list was this post.

I'm guessing my Seed overlords are probably relieved that the post to which that search led was on my old blog, not the current incarnation of Respectful Insolence. (Or maybe not. After all, traffic is traffic.) Me, I'm curious why someone in Italy is searching the web for giant enemas. Maybe EneMan would like a trip to Europe.

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I get a lot of hits from searches about Indian women of an older persuasion engaging in certain acts...generally from the middle east.

This is troubling because being Indian, and knowing a lot of Indian women 'at a certain age' every now and then a mental image gets past my internal firewall built up by years of locker room bawdiness...and the retching commences.

Hey, I totally feel you on this one.

I found out recently, via the same method, that I'm the #3 out of 4.86 million on Google for the search term "Poo Love".

I really don't want to know what that individual was looking for...