The Doctor Is In: The 36th Skeptics' Circle

From The Examining Room, Dr. Charles, blog carnival afficianado and all around talented medblogger, comes the transcript of the 36th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. It begins with a question:

To readers who distrust science, knowledge found through experimentation, and the secular truths of reason in favor of simply believing - I ask you - why should affirming belief in something be a virtuous concept if it misleads? Why should demanding proof be soulless and cold if it keeps you from ignorance and victimization? And why do they always want your money?

I think I can answer that last question. And if I can't contributors to this week's Skeptics' Circle can and do in a fine collection of skeptical blogging. Find out why by visiting the 36th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle.

Next up to host is Autism Diva. The Diva will hold court for skeptics two weeks hence, on Thursday, June 22. Don't let her down by not sending her your best skeptical blogging. They don't call her the Diva for nothing. Guidelines for appropriate topics are here.

Finally, if you think you have what it takes to host the Circle yourself, drop me a line. I'll check out your blog to make sure that you're not one of the unskeptical trying to pull a fast one on ol' Orac and, assuming you aren't a closet creationist, altie, or psychic friend, I'll get you on the host schedule.


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