Last weekend, I posted a YouTube video of William Shatner singing Elton John's Rocket Man in his--shall we say?--unique fashion. A fellow ScienceBlogger commented and asked if there was a video of Shatner singing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I'm not sure that this quite qualifies as what he had in mind, but it's the best (if you could call it that) I could come up with...
LIke, wow, man.
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My favourite has always been leonard Nimoy singing about Bilbo Baggins:
When I read your previous post, I recalled an episode of Fresh Air, when Terri Gross kind of poked fun at him for having recorded Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds on an album. He did not get it. He was entirely serious about his performance.
Apparently, he tried to build on his fame by putting out an album of what he thought was serious vocal performance. Nobody else took him seriously, though. I think that video was inspired by it, and I think that is him on the soundtrack.
It's strange was sort of random facts one will remember.