The latest Carnival of Bad History has been posted over at Hiram Hover's. If you think the Bush Administration can abuse science, you ain't seen nothin' yet when it comes to how history is abused by various people and groups for ideological purposes!
More like this Christians.
I've mentioned before that I'm on the Answers in Genesis mailing list. In addition to the junk mail it gets me (as described in the post linked above), I also get their monthly newsletter, describing new events in the "culture war" and asking for money. This month's version is…
Regular readers of this blog know pretty much what I think of Jenny McCarthy. In brief, she's an opportunistic, scientifically ignorant but media-savvy twit whose hubris leads her to believe that her Google University education, coupled with her personal anecdotal experience, render her…
Seen on the discussion boards of that other repository of antivaccinationist wingnuttery (other than The Huffington Post),, a commenter by the 'nym of naupakamama exults over the possible appointment of antivaccine wingnut Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to run the Environmental Protection…
And the fog's liftin'
And the sand's shiftin'
I'm driftin' on out
Ol' Captain Ahab
He ain't got nothin' on me
;;;; Tom Waits, Shiver Me Timbers
It's not that we didn't see this coming. Marine protection area advocates have been hoping the rumors were true, and they are. George W. Bush has put…