Weekend album cover mayhem

Music fan that I am, I found a particularly amusing video of album covers battling it out in a hysterically ultraviolent and cartoon-bloody manner. (Via Stereogum.)

If you're like me, and have many hundreds of albums, you'll find yourself counting how many of the album coveres featured in this video you actually own. I own quite a few of them, although I will tell you off the bat that I most assuredly do not own the Shaun Cassidy album featured. (I do, however, have Metallica's Master of Puppets.)


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If you're like me, and have many hundreds of albums, you'll find yourself counting how many of the album coveres featured in this video you actually own.

Ah, yes, sure enough. And just for fun, here's my list:

  • Foreigner: 4
  • Billy Joel: Glass Houses
  • Billy Joel: 52nd Street
  • Joe Jackson: Look Sharp
  • King Crimson: In the Court of the Crimson King
  • Led Zeppelin: Houses of the Holy
  • Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
  • Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
  • Boston (first album)
  • Led Zeppelin (first album)
  • Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
  • Asia (first album)
  • The Cars: Candy-O
  • The Beatles: Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Blub Band
  • The Beatles: Abbey Road
  • Pink Floyd: The Wall
  • Phil Collins: No Jacket Required
  • Bob Seger: Stranger In Town
  • Jimi Hendrix: Axis: Bold As Love