Relegated to the corner of ScienceBlogs

The latest Seed Magazine extravaganza happens to include a "class photo" of all of us ScienceBloggers. Orac should be easy to spot. Maybe I should have gone with the cliche of a masked surgeon, but I've got to be true to my alter ego. (No, not that alter ego.)

I guess that's just the lot of a hyperintelligent, cranky clear box of blinking lights.

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My readers might not think that a Plexiglass box full of blinking colored lights cum most advanced computer in the galaxy would go to the trouble of celebrating Christmas, much less putting up an actual Christmas tree. Well, actually, he didn't. His wife did. But, then, Orac is a Plexiglass box of…
My adopted alter ego may be nothing but a computer played by a box of colored blinking lights, but those few who are actually familiar with the 30 year old British SF TV show that featured Orac beginning in the last episode of its first season know that Orac is an arrogant and vain computer. Given…

It took me a while to find you, since I was looking for a person. I'm still not sure what that box thing is. I'm guess I'm not enough of a nerd to notice the reference :P

On the other hand, you won the Weblog awards in the medical/health catagory. Congratulations.

Do you feel comfortable sitting on Ben Cohen's lap? He's not Santa, ya know....

By doctorgoo (not verified) on 19 Dec 2006 #permalink

It took me a while to find you, since I was looking for a person. I'm still not sure what that box thing is. I'm guess I'm not enough of a nerd to notice the reference :P

Look at the upper left hand corner of this page.

They always put the short people in front in class photos, you know, and since ORAC is about 18 inches tall, if that, the placement was inevitable.
Just be glad the flashing lights don't get taken out to decorate for the holidays.

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 19 Dec 2006 #permalink