We're #8! We're #8! Or are we #3? Or #466?

I really have no idea how valid this is (I suspect not very), but every blogger likes a bit of ego stroking from time to time, and I'm no different. So, take this with an enormous grain of salt, but somehow on a new system of blog ranking on Wikio, Respectful Insolence is ranked #8 among science blogs and #466 among general blogs.

What this means, I have no idea, particularly given that the blog doesn't show up at all in the Health section. I suppose I can console myself that I'm ranked #3 on the Medicine Blog Directory. Again, I have no idea what this means; so take it with a huge grain of salt, particularly since the rankings seem a bit out of date. Medpundit, which ranked #7, stopped blogging over two months ago.

On the other hand, such accolades do stroke the ol' ego.

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Hmm. Well, the list includes Telic Thoughts, which is a blog about Intelligent Design. And it also has Nature, the journal, as a blog. Hmm.

Yep, your ego has jumped the shark.

Oh, it (my ego) jumped the shark a long time ago. I just hope the blog never jumps the shark; if that ever happens, it'll be time to hang it up.

Taking salt to increase your scepticism sounds wooish to me.

By Eric Blood Axe (not verified) on 08 Mar 2008 #permalink

I understand you are embarrassed by medical professionals and other PhD.s who signed the ID document questioning evolutions capacities to generate the complete diversity of extinct and extant lifeforms.

When I read your screeds and innane criticisms I am embarrassed to be a member of the same species with a blithering goon like you.

Please tell me you don't actually practice medicine in the USA where innocent people could be put under your care.

I loath you in every respect.

I sure hope they interviewed you for Expelled so you and PZ butthead myers can be see by the public for the arrogant valueless wastrels you are.

By Keith Eaton (not verified) on 08 Mar 2008 #permalink

I wonder why this Eaton fellow is so fired up. His belligerence seems a bit out of place in a comment to this particular post.

Greetings, Orac, this is Miles over at Wikio.com!

Thanks for posting about your position in our ranking system. Would you prefer to be categorized as a Health blog rather than a Science blog? Please respond to miles@wikio.com.

We are on a mission in 2008 to improve our ranking system every month it's updated; we've already deleted Medpundit, thanks...

I'm not exactly an expert on the blogosphere, but nonetheless I'm a bit taken aback: taking a glance at the blogs in the "celebrity" category, Wil Wheaton's blog isn't even in the top 100 - and I've never heard of any of the ones that are.

Using the Royal "we" now are we?