Sylvia Browne slapped down over her erroneous prediction

We see far too little of this in the mainstream media:

(Via The Bronze Blog and Memoirs of a Skepchick.)

Anderson Cooper is da man!

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First of all, love James Randi. Seondly, Sylvia Browne is badly in need of a car fire. Thirdly, I hope Anderson Cooper gets a wild hair up his ass about this and starts getting national attention for ripping "psychics".


I'm predicting obstruction of justice and other charges in her future.


Now to get Cooper interested in the chicanery of David Kirby. Someone who gives a bad name to journalism.

Curious about Sylvia Browne's claim that she doesn't charge, I visited her website. There she states that she will do a reading over the phone for $750 and her son (who's been a psychic since birth) will do the same for $450 (I guess he doesn't yet have broad band to god). Either session will run approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Oh, and the website also says "Other "psychics" tell people that their problems are caused by the person's own negative blocks, curses, evil entities, demons, or karmic retribution. Do not believe these things. They do not exist. Only a fraud will tell you such things." I wonder if she offers phone sex on the side.

Unlike what the man in the video said, Silvia brown is not reprehensible, the idiots who believe her are.

Don't worry, Davis. It's a start. There's only so much you can do in one hit; and to be fair, this case was the topical one right now.

BigHeathenMike: "A wild hair up his ass..." Oh, gotta love that. Poetry in motion. You've made my night.

Keanus: I wonder if she offers... After seeing her now, who'd bother?

clone3g: Perhaps not obstruction of justice, but there's got to be some sort of offence they can charge her with for wasting the Force's time, surely?

A real delight to watch.

By Justin Moretti (not verified) on 22 Jan 2007 #permalink

There's only so much you can do in one hit; and to be fair, this case was the topical one right now.

I'm sure no matter how much she had gotten smacked down, I would have complained about it not being enough. :)

Anderson Cooper just got some respect back that he lost last year after his non-skeptical piece on 'indigo children'. Really, I stopped watching CNN after I saw that - so thanks for linking to this, or I never would have seen it.

We all saw how dangerous her so-called predictions can be, especially to those who really believes in this stuff. If you cannot rely on her predictions, what is the use of it? By the way, looking through people's comments on various sites, it seems she is most of the time wrong, rarely right? SHE IS A FRAUD! she might have some psychic powers which she uses to bullshit through all these years, but I can bet 80-99% of the time she has just been lying through her teeth.
She is simply evil. I know there are people with some (?) gifts out there, but Sylvia? It is just so clear that she is a fraud, and people like Montel William are just as at fault to support Sylvia, because it's people like that who gives her popularity and enables her to continuously deceive people. It's understandable when you don't know what the truth is, but it is deplorable if he continues to support her after all this.

We should all send Montel William letters to stop him from putting her on air. This is a grave matter. She is really dangerous!