One year as a ScienceBlogger...

One year ago today, Orac was assimilated--I mean welcomed--into the ScienceBlogs collective. it's been a wild ride, a fantastic opportunity to reach more readers than I ever did on my old Blogspot blog. (My traffic has roughly doubled since I joined up.) I didn't show up with the first crop of ScienceBloggers mainly because of my hesitation due to my concern about getting permission for "outside employment" from my University. Fortunately, I overcame that, and the rest is history.

I want to take this opportunity to thank my readers for reading and the Seed Media Group for liking what I was laying down enough to invite me to join. Here's to another year of Orac's brand of Respectful Insolenceâ¢.

One thing that occurs to me though. My banner seems, well, plain and not particularly attractive compared to those of many of my fellow ScienceBloggers. I'm considering a major redesign and am open to suggestions.

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Hard to believe you've been at Sciencebloggers for a year. I found you through this site, and I'm glad I did. I enjoy your posts (where do you find the time?), and you've really done a lot to increase my skepticism of all things woo-esque.

If you need help with a banner, I'm quite good with Photoshop.


Don't let the success go to your head. Just remember, the more popular you become, the more likely you are to become the target of the "leading lights" of the woo patrol. ;-)

Man, I hope K. Trudeau shows up one of these days. That would be awesome.

By anonimouse (not verified) on 13 Feb 2007 #permalink

Clink clink! I have learned so much from this blog.

nice job orac. what brought me to this site was your series of smack downs on a young earth creationist medical student. I've been reading ever since.

I like your current banner. However - you could spice things up by alternating between a larger number of simple banners. Add Eneman and Hitler Zombie themed banners.

I think it should be patent medication-themed. Those old bottles had some really cool graphic design, and the topic is appropriate.

You can have a list of all the things your blog cures just by reading it! Like colds, flus, menstrual cramps, and lung cancer!

Maybe the Dalek cookie jar?

Seriously, I don't know how important a banner is. Maybe it attracts new readers, but I haven't looked at a banner in years. I'd rather jump straight to the articles.

In fact, as I think about it, back when I subscribed to a newspaper, I didn't read their banner either. I'd jump straight to the headlines.

So if I have nothing constructive to say, why am I writing this?

Happy Scienceblog-iversity!

Happy Scienceblog-versity.

I vote for Daleks, Cybermen, EneMan and the Hitler zombie, in a nice "family" pose. . .Sorry, I just watched The Age of Steel last night - got cybermen on the brain.

I should mention that I'm with Flex - I read blogs for the content, not the banners. . .

Congratulations! Please keep up the great work!

As for the banner, I quite like the current minimalist design. Your avatar is a computer-in-a-box, nice and simple, and it sits humbly in the corner, thinking great thoughts.


I barely make it from one Friday to the next, waiting for my dose of woo. It's so addictive...

Many thanks!