
Some of you might know that starting tomorrow, a dozen or so of the ScienceBlog peeps are meeting in NYC. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you who they are (only they are allowed to reveal themselves), but most of them have told you they will be in NYC already, so you probably know who is here for the get-together, with perhaps one or two exceptions. Anyway, this year, I have a digital camera, so I am seeking requests from you -- what sorts of pictures would you be interested to see? Which ScienceBlogger would you like me to photograph wearing a lampshade? Would you like to see the Seed Offices? Would you like to see how many ScienceBloggers managed to cram themselves into the elevator that we ride up to the Seed offices? Or would you like a census to see which ScienceBloggers are among the "cool kids" who use macs instead of those oogly PCs? I already know that Professor Steve Steve will be here, because he will accompany me to London, so I can take pics of all cooperative ScienceBloggers with Steve Steve -- that almost goes without saying, I suppose.

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UN Millennium Hotel lobby flowers, NYC. Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [larger view]. Now that I am recovering from a very painful pinched nerve in my neck (FINALLY!), I will tell you about the get-together that my colleagues and I enjoyed, thanks to Seed Media Group. My colleagues who traveled to…
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A montage of the SciBlings who made it to Seed Media's ScienceBlogs writers' get-together in NYC in 2007 [larger view]. Even though I am camera-shy, I am in this montage, hiding behind the beer glass, which distorts my facial features beyond recognition. As you might recall, August is when…

My vote is for an elevator crammed full of ScienceBloggers. Don't know why, I just think it would be amusing.

I'll vote for an elevator crammed full of ScienceBloggers too. But it would have to be simultaneously live-blogged.

Any chance of you arranging a drinking competition between Orac and any of the Denialists present? With homeopathic spirits, of course, but we would need evidence that they have been succused properly.

Orac - for real!

I also vote for an elevator full of SciBlings.

Also, YOU! I know you are very camera shy but, please, I would love to see a decent picture of you.

I second Jeff Knapp.

This has nothing to do with the present blog, but I notice you're unique in being the only sci-bling who has changed the title of the comments section (from "Comments" to "Shrieking parrots".

I think it's great, especially given what you chose, but I find myself equally loving your choice and thinking it's not the least bit flattering!

Of course, you get to call it whatever you want, and it really didn't occupy much of my thoughts, but just the last couple of days, for reasons unknown, I got to thinking about it more and more. Now I have to comment on it! (Or should I say "shriek about it?!)

I can see the "parrots" portion, but I wonder more and more about the "shrieking". I wondered why you didn't choose something more gentle, like "chattering", or even a different phrase, like "Cooing doves", or better yet, one I thought up this morning: "Calling birds" - as in the "12 Days of Christmas" song.

Of course, in that song, it's actually supposed to be "colly" (meaning black) birds, but since Americans have embraced "calling", it actually works better on at least two levels, "calling' in the same sort of sense as "shrieking" and also calling in the quaintly traditional sense of visiting.

But I'm sure you chose "shrieking parrots" deliberately if for no other reason than to be silently amused by someone eventually rambling on mindlessly and completely off topic about something that's really trivial and ultimately makes no difference one way or the other.

Oops, that's me! Well, gotta go....

I want fotos of the the MD / PhD cagematch and anybody gettin' bizzy.

Can HAZ?

By cashmoney (not verified) on 08 Aug 2008 #permalink

"Shrieking" parrots because her hearing has been damaged by same so you now need to shriek for her to hear you.

How about pictures of GrrlScientist?


I have seven small parrots, and I found the "Shrieking Parrots" label very amusing. It's a parrot person thing. I don't think it's negative at all. My birds are making a lot of noise right now because they are happy! The lovebirds have a game whereby one throws its head back and starts with a series of "SCREECH SCREECH SCREECH SCREECH!" accompanied by wing flapping. Then the other three do the same thing except that they add one or two screeches to the total. When I seek "Shrieking Parrots" I think happy, content birdies.

It's very kind of you to care about something on Ms. GrrlScientist's page!

It's good to know that shrieking is such a positive thing (with parrots!). I see you've changed it to "evolving parrots". I hope I didn't make you feel bad about it. I feel like such a shriek now!

Now I've compounded it by effectively conflating Tziporah with Grrlscientist! Oops! I didn't mean to do that. Read everything after "(with parrots!)" as addressed to GS. Sorry!