Don't forget: The Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching

Listen up, everyone! It's fast approaching.

Yes, The Skeptics' Circle will be appearing next Thursday over at The Second Sight. EoR did a bang-up job the last time the Circle was held at The Second Sight; so I expect as great or even better this time around. But your best skeptical blogging is needed.

Instructions to submit your work to EoR are here. Guidelines for what we're looking for can be found here.

As EoR says, don't be a complete idiot; do it for Deepak. (Yikes! That last one is rather scary. I might have to save it for the next time I take on some Choprawoo.)

And, of course, I'm always looking for hosts. If you think you have what it takes to host the Circle, then read this and this first, so that you know what the whole thing is about, and then drop me a line. You can try psychic messages, buy you're far more likely to get a response if you just e-mail me.

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