More Blog Carnivals Available

Several more blog carnivals have been published, all of which I contributed to;

I and the Bird, issue 23, hosted by BirdDC, includes a quiz for the birders among you, and those who can identify all 27 pictured birds will win a free Peterson Field Guide!

The Skeptic's Circle, issue 34; critical thinking crystallized. The host for this issue, The Second Sight, written by EoR, says;

Eor surveys the Wonderful World of Crystals, and receives some interesting etheric vibrations as a result. By applying the higher vibrational properties of these gems to his chakras he received contact with various arcane and occult information previously only held in the Akashic archives. As the world moves into a new quantum consciousness paradigm, where science has now conclusively proven the existence of qi, water memory, ghosts and fluffy blue rectal fairies, this information can now be released publicly. Om.

And last, but not least, the mothership has taken our answers to their first question in their ongoing series, Ask a Science Blogger, and published them in a blog carnivalesque way for your reading pleasure. As an added bonus, readers are invited to submit their own questions to Ask a Science Blogger.

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