More science blogging...

...over at the latest Tangled Bank, hosted over at Living the Scientific Life.



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The latest Tangled Bank has been posted. Enjoy!
tags: tangled bank, blog carnival Hey you guys, the blog carnival that you've all been waiting for is now available for you to read and enjoy! The 90th edition of Tangled Bank is now available so go over there and see what science-y goodness the author has been able to collect.
The latest Tangled Bank is up over at Salto Sobrius, a new Encephalon can be found hosted by Evil Monkey at Neurotopia, and the latest Feminist's Carnival can be found over at the imponderabilia of actual life. And while you're blog carnival-ing, don't forget to send along entries for tomorrow's…
Tangled Bank #50 is now up at The Island of Doubt. James Hrynyshyn (the lighthouse keeper of the aforementioned Island) has put together a smorgasbord of tasty science essays from the blogosphere's many ports of call. Paddle over and enjoy!