A near-homeopathic mention of World Homeopathy Day

Today, in case you didn't remember, is World Homeopathy Day, a day for the credulous to celebrate the woo that is homeopathy by celebrating the birthday of the originator of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann. I had thought of making a "homeopathic" mention of this great event (in other words, no mention, just like there's no active ingredient in a homeopathically diluted and succussated remedy), but then I remembered that, according to the principles of homeopathy, the more you dilute something, the stronger it is. Thus, by homeopathic "reasoning," not mentioning World Homeopathy Day would be even more potent a reminder for the credulous than just this brief mention.

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Orac's recent post, A Real Death By Homeopathy, led me to dig through the archives at my old blog and reprint one of my first posts, this one from 6 January 2006. As a natural products researcher, I often see homeopathy associated with herbal medicines, the latter of which has often been the…

Orac- "Thus, by homeopathic "reasoning," not mentioning World Homeopathy Day would be even more potent a reminder for the credulous than just this brief mention."

That is the sort of convoluted, straight thinking that makes us come back to your blog.

A couple of years ago, I was in Paris and found myself, quite inadvertently, in front of Hahnemann's grave (which proudly hails his homeopathic accomplishments).
Strolling past, I muttered "fucking idiot."
Sure, it wasn't much. But, hey, we all do what we can.

Your argument needs framing.

"Conventional medicine knows about the healing powers of water too. In fact, we recommoned you drink several pints of it a day!"

(Just don't apply it directly to the forehead)

To support your lack of support for World Homeopathy/Homaeopathy Day, I hereby submit a link to a classic pharmacy education paper by Prof Steven Pray entitled, "The Challenge to Professionalism Presented by Homeopathy." Although more than 10 years old, his arguments still hold quite nicely and point out, among other things, the incongruous nature of homeopathy with dose-response pharmacology. Perhaps I shall take a moment this day to compliment my colleague, Dr Pray.

I think I'll post an article about this myself, but using only 10% of the words you used.

Perhaps another blogger will then post using 10% of the words I used...

Eventually it should be a really potent argument.

Skeptico wrote:

I think I'll post an article about this myself, but using only 10% of the words you used.

Perhaps another blogger will then post using 10% of the words I used...

Eventually it should be a really potent argument.

Don't you need to dilute those words with 9 parts random words or something? Plus, make sure you shake your computer really hard before you post.

As I understand it, homeopathy states that the more you dilute something that's bad for you, the better it is for you, and the more you dilute something good, the worse its effects.

So homeopathic sleeping pills "contain" caffine, and a homeopathic practicioner who wanted to poison you would use highly dilute penicillin.

So surely having the flu is caused by having very very few cold viruses in your bloodstream, and the cure would be to inject a load more. And those with the lowest levels of vitamin should be least likely to get scurvy.

Personally, I find the more dilute people's knowledge of homeopathy, the more they give it credence, and the more I read about it, the less impressed I become.

So they must be right.

Holy crap! I was just in Washington three weeks ago. Had I known, I would have made a pilgrimage to take some--shall we say?--interesting pictures.

"A couple of years ago, I was in Paris and found myself, quite inadvertently, in front of Hahnemann's grave (which proudly hails his homeopathic accomplishments).
Strolling past, I muttered "fucking idiot."
Sure, it wasn't much. But, hey, we all do what we can."

If I were to follow your example I would rapidly run out of swear words as I walk past the university were Hahnemann got his doctorate every day. I also walk down Hahnemannstrasse most days of the week.

All I can say about World Homeopathy Day is " ".

I could never understand:
All those remedies taken by people, excreted, flushed to septic system, seeping down to ground water, discharging to streams, flowing to oceans...why are there sick fish?

Today is World Homeopathy Day.
Today is World Homeop
Today is Worl
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Today i
[What Orac said]

You speak with all the confidence which comes from ignorance. There is good scientific evidence that homeopathy works. On a personal level it cured me (permanently took it away) of hayfever and numerous other things over the years.

If you want to do a personal experiment, buy a bottle of Arnica montana 30C in a health food store for less than $10. Wait for an accident like hitting your thumb with a hammer, shutting it in a car door, spraining your ankle, or something similar where there is a significant bruising injury. If you can't wait then just get out the hammer and have fun! At any rate, after the injury immediately take a pellet of the medicine under your tongue and experience that it does relieve the pain and swelling quickly.

Otherwise you will probably remain opinionatedly ignorant in regard to homeopathy. If you do this experiment you will then have another problem- you will know that it works and you will not know why it works. Hopefully that will be humbling. So be forewarned, it may be more than you can handle!

Homeo medicines are prepared this way
if you start with mother tincture say 1gram of any homeo medicine then shake with 10 gram of alcohol then you get 1X then 1 gram 1X of it with 10 gram of Alcohol you get 2x
with 1 gram of 2X with 10 gram of alocohol 3x this process
goes on so when you reach 24X which is equal to 12C how much number of origiinal substance present in 1 gram of the medicine it is about 0.0000000000000000000000001 gram
and in 1 gram 30C has orginal substance is 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001gram
So the Homeopaths agree that after 24X dilusion there ivery less chance of getting a single molecule because of the avagadro number
Now the Homeopaths claim that it works on the basis of some induction theoratically if we agree that itr works on the basis of induction(say for example you can theoreticalyy create infinite number of magnets from one magnet)
Homeopaths claim that effect of induction generate healing power in the body they call it healing power and the induction they call it mechanical force .They experience this mechanical force when proving.
So the mechanical force is implied by the medicine by some induction and the opposite reaction to it heals the body
So the homeopaths claim is Homeopathy works due to induction(there is no other choice)

But there is a law in Physics called Lenz's law
Lenz's law states that any induced electromotive force will be in the direction such that the flux it creates will oppose the change in the flux that produced it.
It says that the system behaves in such a way that the effect is minimized but never says that
The reaction to the action exceeds the action itself therefore
The claim by the homeopaths that opposite reaction of the Mechanical force(which is cause by some form of induction according to them)
Creates vital force and and Mechanical force go way But Vital force(curing force) does not go so the body heals
It is totally baseless and false if Lenz's law and Physics is true Homeopathy is false

Homeopathy states that
if a person takes homeopathy medicine he gets some symptoms in his body like if you take Acconite you will get fever If you take homeo Acid phos You will feel weakness loss of memory etc but if you have those symptoms already present in the body that time if you take homeo medicines then those symptoms will be cured there is no
reason why it should happen

By Ricky-If Lenz'… (not verified) on 10 Feb 2008 #permalink