The World Health Organization disses homeopathy

If there's one form of pseudoscientific health care (if you can call it that) that rests on the most risibly implausible tenets, I'd have to say that it's homeopathy. Either that, or homeopathy and various "energy medicine" modalities would have to fight it out in a no woo barred cage match to the death for the title of most scientifically ridiculous medical "therapy." Unfortunately, because of its history, where in the 1800s it was often actually as good or better than the "scientific" medicine of the time (mainly because homeopathy is nothing more than water--in essence doing nothing--and doing nothing was all too frequently better than the medicine of the time, which was all too often toxic or otherwise harmful), homeopathy retains far more respect than it deserves, even today. Fortunately, thanks to the skeptical movement, more people are becoming aware of just how ridiculous homeopathy is and just how magical the thinking is behind it. Unfortunately, the forces of "conventional" or "scientific" medicine have tended to be reluctant to tell it like it is.

At least the World Health Organization has bucked the trend:

People with conditions such as HIV, TB and malaria should not rely on homeopathic treatments, the World Health Organization has warned.

It was responding to calls from young researchers who fear the promotion of homeopathy in the developing world could put people's lives at risk.

The group Voice of Young Science Network has written to health ministers to set out the WHO view.

Indeed, homeopathy shouldn't be used for anything, but it especially shouldn't be used for non-self-limited conditions of any kind and even more so for life-threatening conditions.

The letter lays it on the line:

1st June 2009: In a letter to the World Health Organisation today, early career medics and researchers are calling for the body to issue a clear international communication about the inappropriate use of homeopathy for five serious diseases. They say they are frustrated with the continued promotion of homeopathy as a preventative or treatment for HIV, TB, malaria, influenza and infant diarrhoea. The Voice of Young Science network has joined with other early career medics and researchers working in developing countries to send the letter, in advance of a 'Homeopathy for Developing Countries' conference in the Netherlands on 6th June.

The letter:

  • Explains that medics working with the most rural and impoverished people of the world already struggle to deliver the medical help that is needed. The promotion of homeopathy for serious diseases puts lives at risk.
  • Lists some of the examples of recent and planned developments of homeopathic clinics offering treatment for these five conditions.
  • Asks the WHO to make clear that homeopathy cannot prevent or treat these five conditions.

The response of the WHO:

Dr Mario Raviglione, Director, Stop TB Department, WHO: "Our evidence-based WHO TB treatment/management guidelines, as well as the International Standards of Tuberculosis Care (ISTC) do not recommend use of homeopathy."

Dr Mukund Uplekar, TB Strategy and Health Systems, WHO: "WHO's evidence-based guidelines on treatment of tuberculosis...have no place for homeopathic medicines." Dr Teguest Guerma, Director Ad Interim, HIV/AIDS Department, WHO: "The WHO Dept. of HIV/AIDS invests considerable human and financial resources [...] to ensure access to evidence-based medical information and to clinically proven, efficacious, and safe treatment for HIV... Let me end by congratulating the young clinicians and researchers of Sense About Science for their efforts to ensure evidence-based approaches to treating and caring for people living with HIV."

Dr Sergio Spinaci, Associate Director, Global Malaria Programme, WHO: "Thanks for the amazing documentation and for whistle blowing on this issue... The Global Malaria programme recommends that malaria is treated following the WHO Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria."

Joe Martines, on behalf of Dr Elizabeth Mason, Director, Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development, WHO: "We have found no evidence to date that homeopathy would bring any benefit to the treatment of diarrhoea in children...Homeopathy does not focus on the treatment and prevention of dehydration - in total contradiction with the scientific basis and our recommendations for the management of diarrhoea."

In particular, I've written about unethical trials of homeopathy that failed to demonstrate that it has any use whatsoever in infectious diarrhea and homeopaths like Jerry Sherr trying to ply their trade among HIV/AIDS patients in Africa.

All I can say is that it's about time that an organization like the WHO issued such a strong denunciation of the quackery known as homeopathy. Not surprisingly, the Society of Homeopaths (remember them?) was not pleased and trotted out the usual nonsense about the "evidence" for homeopathy:

However Paula Ross, chief executive of the Society of Homeopaths, said it was right to raise concerns about promotion of homeopathy as a cure for TB, malaria or HIV and Aids.

But she added: "This is just another poorly wrapped attempt to discredit homeopathy by Sense About Science.

"The irony is that in their efforts to promote evidence in medicine, they have failed to do their own homework.

"There is a strong and growing evidence base for homeopathy and most notably, this also includes childhood diarrhoea."

The UK's Faculty of Homeopathy added that there was also evidence homeopathy could help people with seasonal flu.

Actually, no there isn't. Once again the Society of Homeopaths fails.

Now if only the U.K. would stop funding hospitals of homeopathy and other major medical groups would make statements just as unequivocal. After all, if they can't issue such statements regarding a modality as implausible as homeopathy, they forfeit their right to proclaim themselves science-based, as far as I'm concerned.


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homeopathy shouldn't be used for anything . . .

As I believe you yourself have pointed out, homeopathic remedies, in sufficient quantities, are a safe and effective treatment for dehydration. So beware of sweeping generalizations.

Ah, but they are also an extremely expensive treatment for dehydration, so shouldn't be used even for that.

They need to "diss" homeopathy for EVERYTHING, not just the serious and life-threatening diseases mentioned--it is a mistake to leave them any opening to come back and say, okay, but it's great for "pain" or "making the cold shorter" or "ridding the body of toxins". At least it won't harm the latter group, but these people and their quackery cannot be handled timidly any longer. We shouldn't "tolerate" them anymore than we would tolerate any other gross malpractice. Every single person who uses this junk and doesn't get a measurable result should sue them--that would start to turn the tide.

Is there any way in which a Society of Homeopaths could not fail?

That one was even featured in a newspaper (Excelsior) down here in Mexico. Gave me a warm feeling.

Well I would hope homeopathy in large enough quantities would treat dehydration. It is only water after all.

in the 1800s it was often actually as good or better than the "scientific" medicine of the time (mainly because homeopathy is nothing more than water--in essence doing nothing--and doing nothing was all too frequently better than the medicine of the time, which was all too often toxic or otherwise harmful)

I like it. Homeopathy: cutting-edge medicine of the 19th century!

I posted a comment over at Neurologica on this in response to a âjokeâ about homeopathy being an effective treatment for dehydration because it is only water and was accused of not having a sense of humor.

In the context of childhood diarrhea you need electrolytes and sugar. The organisms that cause the infectious diarrhea that kills children destroys the transporters that convey sugar and electrolytes from the gut. The oral rehydration solution depends on invoking transport by a different transporter that couples transport of sodium ions with glucose.

I know that plain water can be used to avoid dehydration. In the context of diarrhea, plain water is not suitable for well known physiological reasons and causes loss of sodium. Plain salt water is not effective because it doesnât contain the glucose needed for the co-transport.

I do have a sense of humor, but only about some things. If you look at the link on oral rehydration therapy, you will see that it saves on the order of 2 million lives per year from childhood diarrhea. ORT is cheap, generic and can be produced from household food products at very low cost, cheaper than completely ineffective homeopathy.

Homeopaths are trying to sell their products to ignorant poor people to treat childhood diarrhea. If they succeed, and people use homeopathy instead of ORT, then more children will die from diarrhea. In this context they are merchants of death. Selling products that will kill children.

@1: Hahahahaha :-)

Oh, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh. I needed some late night humour and you have (unintentionally) provided it. The reason homeopathy, in large volumes, might help hydration is that it is water. (Actually you're better to use re-hydration mixes, which are a balanced mixture of water, salts and sugar.)

The reason that for non-consequential diseases homeopathy causes no harm, is because it doesn't do anything beyond a placebo effect.

By Heraclides (not verified) on 22 Aug 2009 #permalink

Re: homeopathy treats dehydration

Well, that depends on what is used for the vehicle. If it's water, then it's an expensive treatment, but it'll do. However if it is alcohol...methinks it would not be such a great treatment.


By DrWonderful (not verified) on 22 Aug 2009 #permalink

@1: As I believe you yourself have pointed out, homeopathic remedies, in sufficient quantities, are a safe and effective treatment for dehydration. So beware of sweeping generalizations.

Actually, no: insufficient electrolytes.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 22 Aug 2009 #permalink

Dang; I should have read all the comments before I posted that.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 22 Aug 2009 #permalink

@Uncle Glenny:

Actually, no: insufficient electrolytes.

That's one reason for taking homoeopathy with a large pinch of salt...

homeopathy: There's NOTHING To it.

They should have said this at least 6 months ago. In fact as a health organisation they should have been saying this from the very beginning.

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

I am astounded at the attitude of this website. The word pseudoscience is the catch phrase to address Homeopathy etc. Yet to suggest such is in itself not science. It is opinion.

The opinion may be based on scientific research, however it is still OPINION.

How doe this serve science? Does it not muddy its crystal clear waters? Does it not reduce it to a weapon of opinion?

True science does not have an opinion, people do.

Watch the debate on Homeopathy here posted. The debate is equal or more in favor of Homeopathy.



Well said. I have been stating a similar viewpoint for some time now.

By James Pannozzi (not verified) on 02 Sep 2009 #permalink

As a Homeopath, if this is a blog of "scientific" people then little wonder science is in such a turmoil. The energy taken in villifying and denigrating Homeopathy shows it must have some potency.

If it is so bad why do so many use it and find that they are healthier. Has anyone actually gone to a professional Classical Homeopath with a real illness and seen the results? Diss it when you have?
Annette Lutyens

By Annette Lutyens (not verified) on 09 Sep 2009 #permalink

Wow, they just keep coming.... And whats this about science being in turmoil? You'd have we would have noticed. I wonder if Annette has considered that the energy taken in villifying witch doctors homeopaths might have something to do with the fact that it does not actually work yet frauds and deluded idiots push it while attacking real medicine leading to suffering and death? For example…

Annette Lutyens:

If it is so bad why do so many use it and find that they are healthier. Has anyone actually gone to a professional Classical Homeopath with a real illness and seen the results?

Argument from popularity (and I'm not really sure many people use homeopathy knowing what it really is, most think it is like herbal medicine and are shocked to find out that in includes impossible dilutions of things like strychnine and arsenic).

Actually, you bring up an interesting question about real illness. About a year ago there was a presentation on homeopathy in Connecticut. Andre Saine claimed that homeopathy worked better for rabies than conventional treatments. That is an easily testable claim (basically get a bunch of rats, infect them with rabies and treat one group with the standard vaccine protocol, another with homeopathy and the rest with nothing, and see which survive).

Can you please provide the link to the peer reviewed documentation that shows homeopathy works better for rabies than conventional medicine? Thank you.

This is anecdotal but it is relevant to this discussion.
I learned yesterday that an acquaintance of mine has survived a serious heart attack. She is in her 3rd year of study to become a homoeopath and at the first onset of symptoms took the relevant 'medication'.
By the time the ambulance arrived she was unconscious and needed to be resuscitated on the way to hospital. She spent 3 days in ICU after surgery and a further 7 days in hospital.
Here's the crunch. She's telling everyone she would be dead now if she hadn't taken her homoeopathic tablets at the onset of the heart attack.
I'm not sure she'll ever speak to me again after I told her she'd be dead now if all she'd done was take her own tablets and pointed out the considerable efforts of the team who actually saved her life.
Apparently that was a very cruel thing to say and shows how ignorant I am.
Seems I'm in good company. Well done WHO. So glad you're cruel and ignorant too.

Here's the crunch. She's telling everyone she would be dead now if she hadn't taken her homoeopathic tablets at the onset of the heart attack.

Wow, reading that invoked a rare double facepalm. That's just, wow . . .

with due respect to the reader may be due to failure by some homoeopath don't come to the conclusion. more efficient homoeopath in india than other cuontries. tahnking you for comments. DR SANJIB SAMANTA B.H.M.S.

By DR SANJIB SAMANTA (not verified) on 11 Sep 2009 #permalink

Ah, Dr. Sanjib has reminded us, the results of proper clinical trials and laws of physics are suspended in the magical land of India!

By Scientizzle (not verified) on 12 Sep 2009 #permalink

B.H.M.S. = Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery, I vote against calling him Dr.

Ya! I am totally agree that We should not depend on only homeopathy! It is not totally solution. But it is also true that homeopathy will help to prevent some disease also. Thank you for sharing a good article with us.


But it is also true that homeopathy will help to prevent some disease also

Prove it, you spamming idiot.

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

What now required is always get treated with only the qualified and the professionals such as B.H.M.S and it actually done many cures to my personal life ... just don't put the blame game... it need more study with the practical beneficent to get the real fact....

Hi,A request to WHO is that to judge Homeopathy that it is scientific or not,they should conduct trials with the help of qualified Homeopaths.As it is said it is simple water I will like to comment that all Homeopaths do not dispense Homeopathic medicine in water they mostly dispense medicines in Globules i.e Sugar Pills which are made of Cane Sugar and if Homeopathy is not working then please tell me How small Sugar pills can Cure Diarrhoea and other diseases?Its not water.

By Dr.Gurdarshan … (not verified) on 25 Nov 2009 #permalink

The sugar pills also do nothing. All that is done is they take a homeopathic liquid remedy and then put a drop on a sugar pill. Big whoop. (that is sarcasm)

Diarrhea is a self-limiting condition. What you need to do is prove homeopathy works for a non-self-limiting condition. Something like rabies.

Still doesnât seem to be any sign of the retraction anywhere. Another âhuge surpriseâ.

BTW, just to let you know your copyright in the footer is 2 yrs out of date


By SANJIB SAMANTA (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

hi, welcome to all the new eera of science, that aus nobel lauriate has agree with that the medicine act u all remebered what i told erlier of the day, this was spamiing massage that W.H.O. has ruled out homoeoapthy.truthg never be covered,it will uncovered by some day.some one earliar sending a story that some women who is homoeopathic student with heart attack admitted in ICu with homeopahic medicine. u should know if u are educated that thetre is need treatment accoriding the situation so my by don"t talk like nonosence,.
dr samanta. now hey anoter boy u should fell india is really magical land here shuold learn. DR SAMANTA

By DR SANJIB SAMANTA (not verified) on 28 Oct 2010 #permalink

Recent knowing from news paper from kolkata (west bengal ,India)that WHO given warning for treatment T.B.,MALARIA,HIV & CHILD DIRRHOEA by homoeopathy, due basis of few scientist. It may quite wrong decesion by WHO, I think because homoeopathy law is differnt from alopathy .Those scientist are not able to prove homoeopathy & taking that decision , I request them to consult with leading homoeopathic organisation, esp from India. kolkata . they prove the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment of that such diseases in different cases, except HIV. so my earnest request to WHO to re judge the matter.Because homoeopathic will be most popular science in the world ,if WHO announces to all of countries to enrich the scientific explanation in favour of homoeopathy & also request to those scientist,who are against the homoepathy, at first going through the subject at least few years continuously, to read all the major books of homoeopathy,because it is a differnt science than other medical science, don't say easily that it is not acting. Tanking you all with respect to all member of WHO(World Health Organisation).

By Dr sanjib sama… (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

The day is not far off for WHO to look for homeopathy . I have brought up my only son right from his birth-hood using homeopathy only.It is only for allopathy drug companies survival they are discrediting homeopathy system .WHO is not for few countries (Europe & USA).WHO should not discredit Homeopathy system.In fact it should support it. crores of people are benefited world wide. in who official should visit india for conclusive evidence

By nagaraj subbaiah (not verified) on 18 Feb 2011 #permalink

Dear Necromancer (nagaraj subbaiah),

Please describe how any individual (homeopathic practitioner or patient) can determine the difference between a homeopathic preparation and plain water/alcohol/sugar pill.

Thank you.

"B.H.M.S. = Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery, I vote against calling him Dr."

I have a problem calling any non-doctoral medical practitioner 'doctor'... even though my aunt is one; thankfully, she understands my take on it. I certainly won't refer to a homeopath as 'doctor'... bugger that!

By David N. Andre… (not verified) on 18 Feb 2011 #permalink

i need homeopathy

By dr kajal k biswas (not verified) on 24 May 2011 #permalink