Everybody wants to get in on the act

I tell ya, ever since I first posted my infamous You Might Be an Altie If..., it seems that everyone wants in on the action. Not that I mind much. I can't honestly take credit for the idea; so it would be silly of me to get upset if someone else uses it.

This time around, it's fellow skeptic Skeptico. As I do, he really detests the ridiculous woo that is The Secret. I don't necessarily like the term that he has come up with for aficionados of The Secret and the truly idiotic and woo-filled Law of Attraction (Secretards). After all, the term "altie," although meant a bit sarcastically, is not quite as--oh--nasty as "Secretard." On the other hand, the Law of Attraction is something that even many of the most deluded alties would recognized as so ridiculous as to be laughed at. That quibble aside, he is spot on in his list You Just Might Be A Secretard If...

Tell you what. Why don't we do the same thing that I've done three times before with alties, and see if you can come up with some ideas of your own to add to Skeptico's list.

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I pointed out to Skeptico that "Secretard" can be considered to be demeaning to developmentally challenged people.

I suggest 'Secretist' . It's simple, it's only slightly confrontational, and it is about as descriptive as one word can be.

If the Secretards / Secretists / Secreters don't like these epithets, then they can think positively about a better term, and it will magically come into being.

Call them Secretions.

Yes, I apologize to all the developmentally challenged people in the world for comparing them to believers in The Secret.