It's a sign that that the homeopathic enchantment of Dr. Strange has worked!

The other day, I wrote about how the only use of homeopathy that makes sense is its use by a fictional character, namely Doctor Strange, The Sorcerer Supreme. Now, I have been fortunate enough to have been granted a sign that the homeopathic enchantment works! Woe be unto you skeptics!

Behold, a vision of the Eye of Agamatto on a pancake!

For those of you unaware of what the Eye of Agamatto is, it's the mystic amulet that is Dr. Strange's most powerful occult object. The eye contained within the amulet can, at Strange's command, radiate brilliant light that allows him to see through all illusions and disguises. It also allows him to probe the minds and see the thoughts of those at whom it is aimed.

What more evidence do you need that the mystical magic of homeopathy is real? In the name of the deathless Vishanti and by the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, let it be so!

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he eye contained within the amulet can, at Strange's command, radiate brilliant light that allows him to see through all illusions and disguises.

And presumebly cause wooists to shrivel up and die, then?

By Alex, FCD (not verified) on 22 May 2007 #permalink

The Frere Jacques tunes is very versatile:

Baron Mordo, Baron Mordo,
Ancient One, Ancient One,
Hoary hosts of Hoggoth, Hoary hosts of Hoggoth,
Dormammu, Dormammu.

(Crimson bands of Cyttorak also fits nicely in the third line)

By david rickel (not verified) on 22 May 2007 #permalink

It's not about homeopathic medicine, or about Dr. Strange, but I felt it was sad and somehow relevant. Noah, an 11 year-old with leukemia died this week. His parents fought a court battle to remove him from chemotherapy and try alternative "holistic" treatments (they went back to chemo a few months later, when it was clear that the leukemia had returned). I can't say that he would have lived with standard treatments, and I can't make a judgement about whether the benefits of chemotherapy are worth the awful side-effects, but I do know that chemo has a pretty good success rate compared with doing nothing (or doing only "holistic medicine").