Ever think you have the worst job?
Take a gander at these worst jobs in science.
A couple of examples:
Job #10: Whale feces researcher.
Job #5: Coursework carcass preparer.

Maybe it's just me, but several of these jobs don't sound that bad.
Except the whale feces researcher.
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[This post was originally published at webeasties.wordpress.com]
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I must confess, I am absolutely fascinated by the whale poop research. It never occurred to me that one could find it just floating on the ocean like that. It's kind of like a treasure hunt!!! Only, y'know... grosser.
There's no contest -- I'd opt for the forensic entomologist job!
It's not the studying of whale feces that's the killer. It's trailing along behind them with a baggy...
No fair, catching me on a rainy sunday like that! Must resist... shouldn't make terrible pun... oh, frak; that was a whale lot of poo.
Those are only the physically dangerous/icky jobs. How about intellectually daqngerous jobs, such as science advisor to:
1. Bush
2. Cheney
3. Inhofe
4. Exxon/Mobil
etc.; or researcher at:
1. DI
2. AIG
Does this mean Sykes in "Shark Tale" was wrong when he said that whale poop is at the bottom of ocean?
I suppose you're next going to say that a cartoon isn't the most accurate source of data.
Give that one to Strong Bad.
So which of the US's "20-odd" forensic entomologists is the inspiration for the CSI Las Vegas Gil Grissom character?
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