This time, it's from Colorado, and it's the King:
Rock collector LaDell Alexander, 60, has found a stone she swears has the face of the rock king Elvis Presley on it and has taken it home and plans to sell it on eBay in August, near the 30th anniversary of his death.
Alexander said "people are calling me the Elvis Rock Lady. Seven out of 10 people see Elvis (on the rock)."
Hmmm. I wonder what the other 3 out of 10 people see on the rock.
So is this a hunka hunka burnin' rock?
In all seriousness, though, if Ms. Alexander can use the Elvis Rock to separate some credulous fool from their money, who am I to criticize? Of course, given that in some quarters Elvis worship reaches the level of what seems like a bona fide religion, it's not surprising that the King would start showing up on various objects and patterns--just like Jesus and Mary.
Never take the King for Granite.
Probably a jailhouse rock...
I see Brother Maynard fetching the Bible to look in the book of Armaments.
William Shakespeare, complete with froofy collar. Wait, what?
James Madison our fourth president
That rock sorta looks like a person, but only if that person was the kid of Elvis and Adrian Brody who weighed 453 pounds...then died and had his left eye gouged out with a pirate's heel.
If Elvis must be Cardassian with that nose.
Gee, and I thought it looked like Pliny the Elder...
Hmmm. I wonder what the other 3 out of 10 people see on the rock.
Why, it's Ãvariste Galois, 17th-century mathematical prodigy and luminary of group theory!
Nah, it's Thomas Doughty (or Doughtie). Killed by Francis Drake at Port St Julian about 400 years ago.
(Hey, it's as credible as any other answer).
I see one of those Amish guys with the sideburns and chin beard with no mustache. But I'm not sure there's a big eBay market for Amish guy rocks.
How does one pronounce "Pareidolia", anyway? It's such a good word, shame the spelling and (I assume) pronunciation areso ungainly.
I believe it is peridotite?
Pronounced: per - rid - o - tite
Love that Mirriam-Webster online...
I believe this was referred in the earlier topic as mining...
I'd read that Elvis was stoned most of the time, but this is ridiculous.
See the comments stream on Phil's blog. The rest of us see Napoleon Bonaparte.
Actually I see a chicken.
It's a character from a Matt Groening cartoon. I think he's from the Simpsons, but then again, I've never seen Futurama.
It's clearly Liberace!
Alas, it's fat Elvis.
First, I thought it was Percy Shelley, but then it looked like Robert Burns. I think the Romantic poets are speaking to us from beyond the grave.