The 66th Meeting of the Skeptics Circle, or the 66th Meeting of the International Society of Skeptics

This week, the 66th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle just so happens to coincide with the 66th Meeting of the International Society of Skeptics; so they decided to hold a joint meeting. This week's host, Mark Hoofnagle, has the abstract book all lined up for you to peruse. Excellent stuff. If only real scientific meetings could be like this.

Next time around, the Skeptics' Circle will land at The Bronze Blog, whose Doggerel series is a fantastic repository of rebuttals to common--well--doggerel that the credulous like to repeat in defense of their woo.

And, as always, if you're interested in trying your hand at hosting the Circle yourself, drop me a line at The schedule can be found here, and the guidelines for hosting are here.

Do it before the aliens come to abduct you for their experiments.

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