The Secular Outpost informs me of the existence of a brand new Jack Chick tract. I don't know if it truly is new or not, but it does have its copyright listed as 2007. This time around, Jack is explaining why the dinosaurs really died out. (Hint: It wasn't some big nasty meteor millions of years ago.) It starts out with humans hunting a dinosaur and degenerates from there.
This was so silly that at first I thought it must be a parody. But then I remembered: This is Jack Chick we're talking about here. I will say one thing, though. The picture of the baby dinosaur hatching from its egg is cuter than almost anything I can recall ever having seen Chick draw. I'll also give him props for coming up with what has to be the most mind-bogglingly dumb explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs that I've yet to see.
ADDENDUM: Going to show how out of touch with the blogosphere I've become because of my recent absence, it turns out that PZ sighted this nearly a week ago. Of course, I was in Toledo then in a place with minimal Internet access, but that's no excuse, right?
What I can't get over is that mama dinosaur has EYELASHES.
hee hee! Just right for winding up my geologist colleagues. How could they have got it so wrong?
I haven't read a lot of Jack Chick. Are his Jews usually that.... oh, there's no good way to put this, is there?
That sequence at the beginning is pretty funny, actually; it's like Danny and the Dinosaur meets Clan of the Cavebears.....
I haven't read a lot of Jack Chick. Are his Jews usually that.... oh, there's no good way to put this, is there?
No, there isn't, and yes, they are.
One of the nastier elements of Chick's oeuvre, if you ask me.
(I just have a bizarre fascination with Chick tracts. The worldview they represent is so mind-bogglingly weird and irrational.)
It just so happens that I created a blog post which details what the tract is all about and debunks all the crank claims Chick made up within. Feel free to check out my views of the tract anytime.
There Go The Dinosaurs: Jack Chick's Latest Tract of Lies
I'm very disappointed - there is no "lake of fire" in this tract. Usually Chick draws them with such relish that they form an artistic high point of his work.
I love the jumble of sartorial styles within what is apparently the same community: mediaeval peasant smock and hat (or at least Hollywood's idea of them), vest/tank top, Sinbad-the-Sailor costume, toga, animal skin and tabard
For some reason I've always found his drawings of the Faceless Flashbulb God Sitting On His Granite Throne tremendously amusing.
Chick can't take credit for coming up with the idea that dinosaurs died out due to post-diluvian changes to the atmosphere, though. I recall hearing that one at a Henry Morris & Duane Gish conference back in the late 1970's.
Babble-babble, babble-babble, babble-babble, babble-babble, babble-babble*. Babble.
So there, smarty pants.
* Babble-babble. Bible Babble 1:2:3.
Don't forget that Chick caters to the crowd that thinks that "The Flintstones" is a documentary.
Hey! He stole that from my webcomic! Look!
Alright, he's probably never even read my webcomic, but you haev to admit that the similarity is uncanny.
I know this isn't the most ridiculous part of the comic, but:
"This will take us 36 trips."
Hope does eyelashy dinomomma know it's a he? Its bollocks aren't out of the egg yet.
Hope does eyelashy dinomomma know it's a he? Its bollocks aren't out of the egg yet.
Because male dinosaurs obviously had shorter eyelashes, even from birth, than female dinosaurs. DUH!
And I think "dinomomma" may be my favorite newly made-up word, thanks!
Did dinosaurs have cloacas, anyway? Or were their bollocks clearly visible?
As a non-Christian who also isn't terribly well read I realized just now that while I've always heard of Noah saving two of each animal, I don't recall anything about the plants. I suppose I can go read Genesis on line somewhere, but were plants taken on the Ark, then?
Given the European peasant fashions and all the references to "dragons," is Chick implying that dinosaurs didn't die out until the middle ages?
Ah well, I need to go play some more D&D so that I can get to 10th level and cast real spells. Surely it beats this cube-farm life I'm leading...
Scotty B: I wondered the same thing. I'm guessing it's some numerological thing. I can see 36 being big in Biblical numerology, what with the trinity and 12 tribes.
Interesting... a creat finally admits that all terrestrial plant life would have been killed in a global flood.
Too bad he doesn't explain where their replacements came from because the bible doen't address that. Its almost as thought the bible was written by people that lived in a desert and didn't know the plants would be killed in a flood.
Chick can't take credit for coming up with the idea that dinosaurs died out due to post-diluvian changes to the atmosphere, though.
But they DID! Seriously, though, was it not aerial dust from the meteorite impact the factor that caused the climate change which killed them? If so...
But now the dinosaurs had a big problem. THE AIR HAD CHANGED!
...then this statement, at least, is true.
While you characters were busy with the the dinocrap what I noticed was Chick's deliberate misquotation of Jesus of Nazareth. When Caiphas asked him if he was the son of God, Jesus is actually reported as saying, "That's what you say." Thus, not only is Chick playing fast and loose with paleontology, he's playing fast and loose with the New Testament.
Ok, ignoring for the nonce everything else that's horribly wrong here (like the fact that algae, which are supremely unlikely to die in a flood, produce as much as half of the oxygen we breath), does he have any idea how much oxygen there is in the earth's atmosphere? Does he have any idea how bloody long it would take a shipload of animals to decrease it to the point that you could actually detect the change, nevermind decreasing it to a point that was detrimental to the health of anything. I mean, if he's right, he's also just proved Young Earth Creationism wrong, no?
Seems like an obvious own goal/pyrrhic victory situation to me.
Isn't it fascinating that we live on the same planet with people who are living in an entirely different universe?
Am I alone in thinking that the dinosaur head and neck bear a striking resemblance to a certain part of the male anatomy?
Or am I just so used to seeing scandals associated with right-wing whackjobs that it's become reflexive?
I've never seen Chick's work before and I have to comment on something I found particularly offensive. Why does Jesus look like a nice American white guy while the Jews are sniveling, big-nosed villains? They look exactly like the cartoons the Nazis circulated in Germany before the Holocaust.