World's worst album cover?

Believe it or not, this post is related, albeit somewhat tangentially, to my area of expertise, breast cancer. It's also related to one of my great loves in life, namely loud, obnoxious rock and roll. Unfortunately, it involves bad art and an album cover so puzzling that, even when considering the source, I have a hard time figuring out just what the heck they were thinking when they put this album cover together.

I'm talking about, believe it or not, the cover of the new Ted Nugent album Love Grenade.

I know, I know, it's not as if one expects the cover of a Ted Nugent album to make sense. It's also not as though one expects it to be in any way tasteful. Most of the time these days, Ted has gone for minimalist album art, such as he did for Spirit of the Wild or Craveman, his last two albums (both of which, by the way, were actually quite good--not quite as good as his 1970s heyday, but better than the excreble Damn Yankees crap he put out in the late 1980s and early 1990s). And these days certainly no one expects anything other than songs about sex, hunting, and jingoism from Terrible Ted, who has inexplicably morphed from a rock 'n' roll madman to a right wing icon of some sort.

But how do we explain this album cover?


Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but, besides this being a really ugly album cover, what is a Claymation pink ribbon doing in front of a Claymation hand grenade? After all, a pink ribbon is the accepted symbol of breast cancer support? Is Ted saying that he's down with women in the fight to defeat breast cancer? Maybe that's the significance of the grenade. Maybe it's a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch-like device, which, instead of having a cross on it, has the symbol of breast cancer awareness, the better to smite breast cancer with.

Who am I fooling? If such had been the intent, it might have been amusing, but remember: This is Ted Nugent we're talking about. Just look at a few of the song titles, and you'll see what I mean:

  • Love Grenade
  • Still Raising Hell
  • Funk U
  • Girl Scout Cookies
  • Bridge Over Troubled Daughters

Hardly sounds like breast cancer awareness, does it?

In fact, I've heard part of Girl Scout Cookies. The song is practically an ode to pedophilia, with all sorts of double entendres based on the song title. Creepy. How on earth "family values" conservatives can view Ted Nugent as any sort of spokesperson for their cause is beyond me.

But it's even worse than that. If you dare, look at this "alternate" album cover. It's about as misogynistic as you can get. It makes his old chestnut from the 1970s Stranglehold look like sweetness and light. (You have been warned.)

You know, growing up in the Detroit area, I really used to like Ted Nugent's music back in the 1970s. No one could rock harder, louder, or crazier than he could. I saw him on at least three occasions during that time, and he always put on a hell of an ear-splitting show. Moreover, he even had a renaissance of sorts during the last decade or so. For example, Spirit of the Wild and Craveman are close to as good as his best stuff from his glory days 30 years ago. Sadly, this latest album, from what I've heard of it thus far, is even more raunchy and childish than his most raunchy and childish stuff from the distant past, such as Wang Dang Sweet Poontang or Wango Tango.

I guess I'll just never understand how conservatives can embrace this guy these days as a spokesperson--or ever, for that matter. Ted should stick to his bowhunting and do instrumental jams. He'd be less apt to look like such a creepy dirty old man that way.

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I'm guessing it was meant to be a red ribbon. I'm not sure it improves matter, unless they had covered the grenade in latex.


Maybe it's just life imitating art. Remember "This Is Spinal Tap"?

namely loud, obnoxious rock and roll.

If the stuff you've posted is what you consider "loud, obnoxious rock and roll" then you've led a sheltered life. ;-)

You obviously have never seen Ted in concert.

Also, I haven't mentioned on the blog a lot of what's in my music collection.

I can't find the lyrics for "Girl Scout Cookies" on the web, but you can view a low-quality movie of Nugent performing it here.

Nugent is a real piece of work, and is no stranger to relationships with underage girls.

Also, I haven't mentioned on the blog a lot of what's in my music collection.

Don't bogart the good stuff.

Geeze! And they thought the original cover for Spinal Tap's "Smell the Glove" was sexy, er..I mean sexist.

By ZacharySmith (not verified) on 23 Sep 2007 #permalink

I think this is the appropriate place to link to The museum of bad album covers . Some are very, very, very NSFW. And some, including the gospel gallery, are very, very hilarious.

The Onion put it best: "Let it go. People say all kinds of crazy things when they're Ted Nugent."

By Troublesome Frog (not verified) on 23 Sep 2007 #permalink

At least the cover for "If You Can't Lick 'Em...Lick 'Em" had some humour value.

I'm sure there were good intentions with the pink ribbon.We know Ted loves breasts.