A potential consequence of global warming in a world where homeopathy is true

I hadn't thought of this possible consequence of global warming before if homeopathy were actually true, but it's frightening to contemplate.

Fortunately, I think that even in this case the level of dilution wouldn't be enough.

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I wouldn't worry about it. After all, remember that succussion is a key part of the process! So as long as there aren't any underwater earthqua--

I take it back, we're screwed.

I thought that a diluted toxin was a cure for that toxin. So wouldn't global warming make seawater the universal cure?

According to Hanneman an effective homeopathic remedy must produce the symptoms in healthy individuals that are similar to the symptoms of the sick patient which they are supposed to be treating. There is no possible way that individuals exposed to ocean water that has been homeopathically prepared via the effects of global warming would be ill with every existing illness. Thus they would be vulnerable to the devestating destructive power of the sea in this almost inevitable post-apocalypic scenario. Ay, the sea she be a harsh mistress.

So, if you put a drop of cobra anti-venom in the reservoir, will it kill everyone in the city.

Also, shouldn't you be able to use homeopathy to make undetectable, unfilterable poisons? That would be a pretty easy experiment to carry out. Just prepare a deadly solution of whatever, give it to scientists to filter and purify and test to make sure it's just water, and than administer it to a couple hundred white mice and see how many die.

By Sophist, FCD (not verified) on 26 Sep 2007 #permalink

Boy, even when homeopaths are wrong they're wrong:

According to howstuffworks.com, which is probably reasonably close, about 98% of all the water in the world is in the ocean. Even if you put some huge error bars on that, it still means that there is significantly more water in the ocean than there is in the polar ice caps. Assuming then that the polar ice caps melted ENTIRELY, then you wouldn't even HALF the concentration of toxins in the oceans.

I think the minimum dilution for homeopathic remedies that you can find in stores is around 6X. That's 10^6 times dilution... one million times over, Holmes! To dilute current ocean concentrations that much, you'd basically have to dissolve an iceball the size of Neptune into the ocean.

Heck, let's even say that the current ocean concentrations are teetering dangerously close to lethally dilute levels. If you needed just ONE MORE 10 times dilution, that still requires that the polar ice caps contain almost 10 times more water than the oceans. Since oceans cover 70 percent of the planet, that would mean all of the exposed land on the earth would have to be covered with a layer of ice kilometers thick!

And that homeopath Debra Macurley call herself a scientist...

By Harry Abernathy (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

All that being said, I just checked your link, ORAC. Knudsen's News looks to me like a fake news humor website, so my last comment was a false alarm. What's sad is that such a claim just seems like something a homeopathic crank with a concern for the environment would say.

By Harry Abernathy (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink


I think Orac realized it is a joke. Yes, Knudsen's news is a humorous site, not serious.


As I pointed out to a friend once, if homeopathy were true we'd all have breathed ourselves to death when air pollution improved with the development of catalytic converters on cars and better filters on factories.