Sorry, Mahmoud

Before moving on to discussions of alternative medicine (don't worry, there'll be one in the morning), I couldn't resist one last dig regarding Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's claim in his appearance at Columbia University on Monday that there are no gays in Iran...

Sorry Mahmoud, but there was an Iranian contestant in the International Mr. Gay Competition.

Adding insult to injury, Mr. Gay Iran didn't win the International Mr. Gay Competition. Nathan Shaked from Israel did.

(Via Andrew Sullivan.)

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Adding insult to injury, Mr. Gay Iran didn't win the International Mr. Gay Competition. Nathan Shaked from Israel did.

So that's what got Mr. Ahmadinejad so upset at Israel!

"that there are no gays in Iran..."
Well if you execute them for being gay, I doubt too many will come out.

Sorry for the Dis late Mr Nixon, but this newb is trying to steal your (almost) original 'I am not a criminal'!

Johnny's Karnak (with envelope to turban): There are no Gays in Iran, We don't plan on ever making Nuclear weapons, The Holocaust never happened.

Johhny's Karnak (after opening the envelope): What would the party line be from a contemporary leader of an oil producing country that can't even afford to refine its own Petrol be to: Why do many males disappear with their friends from time to time? Why can't we look in that Cave your building? Why can't you see the photographs that have not been manufactured?

Fred Rogers: Can you say Dee Nile Ist Mr Ahmadinejad?