Seen at the local Barnes & Noble Bookstore last night...part 2

Here's another item I saw at the local Barnes & Noble last night. I almost bought this calendar, so amused was I by it. In retrospect, maybe I should have bought it.


I don't recall ever seeing a calendar like this before. Not for Bill Clinton, and not for Ronald Reagan. It's a testament to just how badly our current President has screwed up. It even includes a page for the first 20 days of 2009, right up to the very end.

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Well, a more accurate explanation is on how controversial our current leader is.

By Artistradio (not verified) on 30 Sep 2007 #permalink

I wants it.

The downside is that you have to look at Bush and read his stupidities the whole day....

After first reading "Yes, the end is near" as "Yes, the near is end", I actually thought that would have made a better title.

My sister got that for me for xmas last year, knowing what a passionate leftie I am. I was in a particularly humorless state of mind about the man and had to fake chuckle when I received it. I just wanted to vomit. It's grown on me over time and now I pull it out whenever I want to taunt my Republican co-workers.

Yeah, I'd prefer a more positive one, without the focus on (and presence of) Bush himself.

I'd rather his exit be implied.

I got one of these from my brother for christmas last year too. And I live in Australia.

Obviously the result of somebody finally noticing that many of the more-money-than-sense crowd have such a fanatical hatred of our current president that they're suckers for anything that mocks him, whether it's deserved or not. And as everyone knows, it's morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his/her/its money.

And it's pleasantly ironic that the calendar's entrepreneurial, capitalistic creator is getting rich off socialist sheep.

By wolfwalker (not verified) on 01 Oct 2007 #permalink

>> I'd rather his exit be implied.

I'd rather it be trumpeted from on high, but hey, can't win 'em all, I guess.

I like this T-shirt, though...

By AtheistAcolyte (not verified) on 01 Oct 2007 #permalink

Why would anyone want pictures og GW on their calendar?

Is this some disease affecting USAians?

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 01 Oct 2007 #permalink

If they sold a Bush countdown calendar with the countdown and pictures of bikini models and daleks, instead of Bush pictures and quotes, they'd have a total hit.


We have this calendar in our office. The assistant has placed it so that I can see Bush from my desk as I look into the other office. It's horrifying. Really. Who wants to see Bush whenever they look up from their desk 50 times a day? August was particularly brutal -- long month -- giant Bush head staring at me. I need a vacation.