Skepticism will be in the house--soon!

Don't forget, once again the time is fast approaching.

Soon yet another installment of the Skeptics' Circle will be upon us. In fact, it's less than a week away and due to land at the Med Journal Watch. Note that, because of the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., this time around the Circle will be appearing a day early, on Wednesday, November 21. Skeptical bloggers, there isn't much time left for you to get your entries done and submitted. So head over to Med Journal Watch for instructions on how to submit your skeptical blogging, and get your entries to Christian by Tuesday.

Finally, if you're a blogger and want to host an edition of the Skeptics' Circle yourself, drop me a line. Check out the schedule and guidelines for hosting and drop me a line. I'll get you on the schedule, assuming that your blog can survive a little test designed to detect credulous thinking unsuited to the Skeptics' Circle. After all, a woo infiltration of the Skeptics' Circle would be a serious problem that we'd like to avoid if at all possible.

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