Donald Trump gets his comeuppance on vaccines and autism...

...and he gets it right here.

If only someone with some sanity could actually sit down with Trump, as portrayed in the post above.

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Autism not caused by Vaccines! this could be Huge!
If only someone like Trump would get behind the truth, instead of bloody stupidity.

Honestly, I can't figure out why anyone would take Donald Trump seriously on ANY subject other than how to build giant phallic edifices that bear your name or how to do an unconvincing comb-over. What would he know about autism, anyway? Why would anyone believe him or take him seriously?

DLC-- If only someone like Trump would get behind the truth, instead of bloody stupidity.

Jennifer Gardner is provaccine! Shes much better than Trump-- blech...

Hey, I just found out that Dean Cain is also pro-vaccine (Google it-- hes been really vocal).

MUCH better than Donald Trump!!

Keri Russell is also promoting the pertussis vaccine:

All three of my teenagers have received the Tdap vaccine. Including the oldest who had never been vaccinated against pertussis because of his history of neo-natal seizures (not a good thing, because it was during a time our county was going through a pertussis epidemic).


Be careful referencing that site.

That blogger has a bad habit of removing posts and references to studies (and by a reputable source -- the Cochrane group) that disagree with his position. Then after removing the posts that he doesn't like, leaving some cherry picked entries out of context and responds to them.

Not the type of reputable science you want to be associated with.

The Trump sendup is hilarious.

Schwartz, ever heard of spam filters and the myriad other ways posts can get held up? I have seen no indication of mischief on the Autism News Beat blog. In fact, it is uniformly excellent, and displays remarkable reserve in its dealings with the credulous and uninformed.

ANB said "Schwartz, your posts were repetitive and inane. "

Which is why I skip over anything he/she posts. I did at one time point out when some complainted "You Americans are so..." about one of Schwartz's post that he/she was actually Canadian. It was just a reminder that the stereotyping needed to be pointed to the proper country.