The Skeptics' Circle: There has been a change of plans this week

Due to the unfortunate intrusion of real life into blogging resulting in the inability of this week's previously scheduled host to be able to fulfill his hosting duties for the February 28 edition of the Skeptics' Circle, there has been a last minute change of hosts for the next Circle. The 81st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle will now be hosted by Factician at the Conspiracy Factory. Instructions for submitting posts are now found here, and I will forward the submissions that were sent to me to our new host. Help him out and send him your best skeptical entries following the usual guidelines.

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Something didn't pass muster with the Big Pharama Lizard Overlords and they treatened to withhold the next paycheck?

All joking aside, I do hope whatever happened is not serious. Cheers!

Nothing that frightening (although it would make a ripping good Skeptics' Circle if it were true), just job responsibilities...