Stupidest thing ever said about the Holocaust?

You be the judge.

Words fail me (an incredibly rare thing, I know). Obviously, "Dr." Walid Al-Rashudi's brain failed him when he uttered the words above, and somehow I get the impression that that is not a rare thing at all.

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I don't see the difference between this and other holocaust deniers. All are equally bat crap crazy.

In his defense, he is only off by FIVE ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. Anyone could've made that mistake.

I'm starting to think that the crux of our global fundamentalist/irrationalist problem is that they all just have really poor math skills. 6000 year old earth? toxic levels of mercury (or the toxin du jour) in vaccines? A handful of Holocaust victims? A common denominator is emerging here...

The stupidest ever? I doubt it, but I will admit it sets the bar high.

And there is no limit to the number of assholes who like a challenge.

By Ken Shabby (not verified) on 18 Mar 2008 #permalink

The glorious results of a faith based education.

I think David Irving was pretty close when he said the more people died in Ted Kennedy's car than in the Nazi gas chambers.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 18 Mar 2008 #permalink

Not even close.

For one thing, the worst of the holocaust deniers are nothing like as stupid as the best of the holocaust supporters were (are?).

T. Bruce McNeely:

"I think David Irving was pretty close when he said the more people died in Ted Kennedy's car than in the Nazi gas chambers."

Pretty big car Ted Kennedy had, then; I know you Merkins go for gas-guzzlers, but that's ridiculous.

By Robin Levett (not verified) on 18 Mar 2008 #permalink

King Saud University. Says it all, really.

By SmellyTerror (not verified) on 18 Mar 2008 #permalink

"I think David Irving was pretty close when he said the more people died in Ted Kennedy's car than in the Nazi gas chambers"
Let's assume it's a clown car.
...OF DEATH!!!!

By Laser Potato (not verified) on 18 Mar 2008 #permalink


That was STUPID all's what Stupid wants to be when it grows up.

Stupidest thing ever said about the Holocaust?

Well, to paraphrase your namesake, it is unlikely. I would predict there are far stupider things waiting to be said by someone with such obvious talent for it.

That man is insulting the well known efficiency of German engineers !

(Plase forgive the dark irony...)

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 19 Mar 2008 #permalink


By Tim Murtaugh (not verified) on 26 Mar 2008 #permalink

I tried to find a reference to this guy on the king saud university website but there was no reference to him. Maybe they dont like to show him on the English language page. What I do find though are references to a nobel prize winner giving a talk there and cooperation between KSU and French universities. Do these people/institutions know what people there at that university? Someone has to protest about this and and make people aware that it is a disgrace for any even slightly intelligent bloke to have any connection with a university like that.

By Daniel Holland (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink