The 91st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Dr. Absconsusâ Cabinets of Curiosities

It's that time again, time for yet another foray in to the best skeptical writing the blogosphere has served up over the last two weeks, this time hosted by Sam Wise over at Sorting Out Science, who has collected it all for you in one convenient location known as the 91st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. You can't go wrong checking it out.

Next up is The Lay Scientist, who's set to host the 92nd Meeting on July 31. In fact, he's already issued a call for entries. So start gearing up to send him your best work less than a fortnight hence. In the meantime, if you're interested in hosting a Circle, check out the schedule and guidelines for hosts and then drop me a line.

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It was a great meeting of the Skeptics' Circle Dr. Absconsus Cabinet of Curiosities. Yes it is right that this time hosted by Sam Wise over at Sorting Out Science, who has collected it.
brain lara

By brain lara (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink