Fast approaching: The Skeptics' Circle

I'm a bit late with this plug, but hopefully our host this week won't be too mad at me. It's that time again, time for those interested in the application of critical thinking to dubious claims to gather, as we do every two weeks, to celebrate the best the skeptical blogosphere has to offer (and "celebrate" the worst that the credulous blogosphere has to offer). It's soon going to be time for the 92nd Meeting of the Skeptics Circle. This time around, it will be hosted at The Lay Scientist on Thursday, July 31. Martin's call for submissions is here. Guidelines for what the Circle is looking for can be found here.

As always, if you're interested in hosting (and what skeptical blogger wouldn't be?), check out the schedule and the guidelines for hosts to get an idea what's involved, and then drop me an e-mail.

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Lol, no, I'm not mad at you. Keep those contributions coming though people, there's some really excellent stuff coming in :)