45 years of Doctor Who

After seeing some Doctor Who silliness yesterday, I also came across this great tribute to 45 years of Doctor Who. Since it's a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and I'm again too lazy to post anything substantive until Monday, here we go again. It's every Who story compressed into less than 8 minutes. Truly, a tour de force for surveying the evolution of the show.

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Great video - and I speak as someone who remembers watching "An Unearthly Child" the first time around in November '63.

By Martin Watts (not verified) on 17 Aug 2008 #permalink

What´s left to say is you are very kind, because you posted this awesome video! It´s great to be remembered by the creepie stuff we were watching at when we were young. And of course there are many great pieces I didn´t know about, but certainly have to watch soon.

Thanks, Orac, for this. I have had the Doctor on the brain lately, too. I just crocheted a dalek ("Extermiknit!") which is now hanging in my car, all cuddly and evil (along with a jellyfish and two hyperbolic plane models, all crocheted). I am working on a TARDIS now, in blue thread.

No, I do NOT have a Tom Baker scarf, but I do plan on making Rose's Doomsday wristwarmers someday.

While I haven't seen them all I'd have to say my favorite episode thus far is from the (surprise, surprise) Tom Baker era called "City of Death". Thanks for this.