Best response to a journal rejection ever?

Every scientist has had manuscripts rejected by various journals, and most who submit to the really high impact journals like Nature or Science end up being rejected without review. Few, however, have the creativity or cojones to respond to such a rejection in such a creative and amusing manner.

Sadly, in the medical literature, there really are no structures in the body left that can be named in such a manner; there really isn't a way I could respond to a rejection in quite the same manner. I'll have to think of something different the next time it happens.

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I don't know about you but I detected a subtle threat to Dr. Gee in there. Translate the genus of the one and say out loud the genus of the other and therein lies the threat. Or I could be reading to much into it.

BB, who raises exotic plants but none so striking or odoriferous

I am so impressed that the unnamed botanist-- dare I say it???-- erected such a fine comeback!

By Melissa G (not verified) on 20 Aug 2008 #permalink

i thought it was funny, and better thought out than "you suck"

Having a plant named in your honor (haha diclis, though. seriously?) would be cool.

Although, Gary Larson has a dust mite named after him, which isn't as cool as a giant penisplant.

By genewitch (not verified) on 20 Aug 2008 #permalink

Well, if you're a mycologist, there plenty of species that are yet to be discovered in genera Phallus and Coprinus. Name one after someone you (don't) love. IIRC, there are two species of dung beetle named bushi and cheneyi.

Hey, that was bizarre enough to be funny. It's not a threat, it's "What would you rather be immortalized as: a big dick or a dickless wonder?" Playground insults taken to a grad school level.
I only hope one day to edit scientific journals so some ornithologist can name a booby or tit after me.

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 20 Aug 2008 #permalink

Hmm.. having a plant named after you... for rejecting someone's paper. He should reject more papers!