Nooo! They got Bullwinkle!


The bastards...

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OK, so while the vandals are playing some weird game on another thread, I suppose I better tell the rest of you what's happening. 1. I'm applying for a real job, and another postdoc. 2. I have two conference papers to prepare and deliver, and travel to and from (including what looks like a…
Next up in our series of science-themed Christmas ornaments is this squirrel: A reminder that you can't trust those furry little bastards... What do squirrels have to do with science? As Emmy (and any other dog) will tell you, squirrels are representatives of all that is evil and twisted. And,…
John Pieret's blog Thoughts in a Haystack has an essay on this that is well worth reading, although I'd rather be called an elite snob than an elite bastard because all Australians are bastards. It's part of the Carnival of the Elite Bastards #1 at En Tequila es Verdad.
Lucky bastards living in Manhattan. You'll soon have a flagship Apple Store that will be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Bastards. Is it just me, though, or does the store thus far bear an uncanny resemblance to a Borg ship? This is one case where I'd gladly be assimilated.

You can tell this is fake. The box in the upper-left that says "All the news that's fit to print" should read "All the news that fits, we print."

"All the news that fits, we print"

that would apply to Fox News or Conservapedia.

If McCain is four more years of Bush, then this proves that Palin is four more years of Cheney's bad aim.

And when they came for Bullwinkle, I said nothing because I was not a Moose.
But my Cousin Helgi was bitten by a Moose once. . .