Skeptics in the Pub, Michigan style

I realize that this is a little late, but for those of you in southeast Michigan who might be able to make it, there's going to be an attempt at an inaugural Skeptics in the Pub. Thanks to fellow ScienceBlogger and skeptical rogue PalMD and even more so thanks a couple of his similarly skeptical (but blog-free thus far) buddies, this event will come to fruition tonight. If it works out, maybe next time we'll gussy it up a bit and perhaps even have a speaker. For now, though, it's just a chance to meet and greet in informal surroundings.

PalMD and Orac will be there. If you're in southeast Michigan and are so inclined, feel free to drop by.

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hmmm, I'll have to consider this, maybe not tonight, but when I get the chance it's not too far for me.

By ABradford (not verified) on 21 Aug 2009 #permalink

We're starting them up all over the place! SE Michigan tonight, Louisville tomorrow... Nothing but AWESOME can come from this...

Stay tuned. We are likely going to make this a monthly thing. We had about 10 people turn out last night. It was great meeting new people.

We are going to need a venue that is a little quieter so that the entire group can hear one another.

Thanks to Orac and PalMD for posting. We got a nod from CFI Michigan on their Facebook page.

By The Blind Watchmaker (not verified) on 22 Aug 2009 #permalink

I was occupied otherwise I would have definitely made it out. It is only 15 minutes from my home.

Yeah, I second that-do it again! My daughter and I will be in Detroit the first week of September. We'd love to come out.

By LibraryGuy (not verified) on 22 Aug 2009 #permalink

Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be doing it again that soon; discussions were along the lines of doing it again in late September. Hopefully next time, though, we'll be able to provide much more notice.

Any plans for another Skeptics in the Pub get-together?

Thanks, Sk3pt1c! You might want to check the calendar again, though, because I believe it says it's Friday night, 9/18/09, rather than 9/19/09.

Orac, any chance you're attending this one?