Submit! Submit to the Skeptics' Circle

It's almost here, and it's almost time!

The 123rd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching. This time around it will be here on Thursday, November 5. That means skeptical bloggers out there don't have much time to get their best recent work to Colin at Blue Genes for inclusion.

Guidelines for what we're looking for when it comes to submissions to the Skeptics' Circle can be found here. Instructions for submitting to this week's Skeptics' Circle are here.

Don't let Colin down! Bury him in submissions! (Not literally, of course, which would be hard. How do you bury someone in electronic text?)

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Listen up, everyone! It's fast approaching. Yes, The Skeptics' Circle will be appearing next Thursday over at The Second Sight. EoR did a bang-up job the last time the Circle was held at The Second Sight; so I expect as great or even better this time around. But your best skeptical blogging is…

if I had a blog I'd love to write about how Halloween brings out the worst in the local news, who include incredibly credulous stories about ghost-hunting and spirits.
Or perhaps an examination of motivational scammer and woo-peddler James Ray, who "just wants to bring closure to this event. "
There's a couple links for the curious.
sorry.. didn't intend to thread-jack.
we now return you to our regularly scheduled comments section!

Another day, another example of Orac's medicine maiming hundreds of trusting people.

"THE government has been forced to rewrite its advice on breast cancer screening after research showed that thousands of women have been misled into having unnecessary surgery."

Awhile back Orac was going on about how he won't stand for people to mistreat women in the blog.

But Orac has no problem with his fellows cutting off women's breasts unnecessarily to pay for a round of golf and a steak and lobster dinner afterwards.


Are you really this insecure?

By Joseph C. (not verified) on 01 Nov 2009 #permalink

He was here and gone and I missed it.
I'm not sure, but I'm thinking I should be happeh about it. . .