The secrets of successful blogging revealed!


I realize that this has been floating around the blogosphere for a couple of days, but when I first saw it at PZ's place, I thought that Chis Clarke had stolen someone's blogging strategy notebook, except that I thought he had stolen mine, so spot-on is his channeling of just the right style to take on pseudoscience mavens, quacks, and other purveyors of woo.

There's just one problem. It's way, way too short to have been stolen from my blogging playbook. It needs to be about two or three times as long, minimum. It also needs a few sentences like this:

This sentence contains tortured variations on the term "burning stupid" involving everything from supernovas to black holes to quantum theory.

This sentence rambles on and on and on until you desperately want to put it out of your misery. This sentence is followed by a fragment.

Who says I don't know my own blogging style? It is true, though that my readers could probably characterize it better...or not.

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I thought it was pretty funny that in your last post on Mike Adams, you post title had six more characters than would be allowed in an actual complete tweet.

But then, I'm easily amused.

You forgot to include the sentence that forgets how it started is missing. ;)

There should also several sentences talking about zombies or referencing sci-fi characters.

This sentence does not mean what you think it means.

(OT)-Woo Alert (Level Violet)- It has been revealed to me that Mercola has overtaken Dr.R! This Hand Maiden of Illuminati/Masons/et al, is not at all pleased.

By Denice Walter (not verified) on 27 Jan 2010 #permalink

This sentence should begin with "Indeed,".

By jimroberts (not verified) on 27 Jan 2010 #permalink

Ok, who stole the Orac?
This post is way too short!

You forgot the unneccesary but amusing preamble paragraph comparing the latest corrupt idiot to the last three corrupt idiots you've incinerated (with links).

By antipodean (not verified) on 27 Jan 2010 #permalink

It's well worth reading some of the comments on Chris Clarke's blog. Some are as funny as Chris' original article.

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 27 Jan 2010 #permalink

@Daniel J. Andrews

And the meme it inspired on PZ's. I think comments on Scienceblogs are more frequently meta as a result.