Some Sunday reading for you

As I recover from the joy of deadlines, I decided to take the weekend off from blogging (new material, at least). In the meantime, here's some good Sunday reading for you, the Cancer Research Blog Carnival.

The Insolence shall return tomorrow. And there are, unfortunately, many deserving targets, not all of them woo.

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We interrupt this post-holiday blogging slowdown for an important blog housekeeping message. Something weird happened to Respectful Insolence⢠over the weekend before Christmas. Sunday, I was composing a little missive to autopost over the holidays. I went to the pulldown menu in Movable Type to…
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Enjoy your time off.
"As I recover from the joy of deadlines..."

Remember what Douglas Adams said about deadlines: "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

Whatever happened to te Skeptic's Circle carnival, by the way?

@Roger, the comments on that article date 2006.

A Pubmed search for walker s and autism brings up a thimerosal challenge paper but nothing on MMR.