The red flags of quackery

Via Stupid Evil Bastard, here's a great cartoon that points out the red flags that indicate most of the major red flags of quackery (click to embiggen and see the whole cartoon):


I have to admit. The main ones are all there.

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What about the many shameful misuses of "Balance"? Does it fall under one of the big quacks here ("Energy balancing", "Balancing your chakras"...) or is it a distinct kind of silly?

By Red Queen (not verified) on 09 Mar 2011 #permalink

Love it and I've already forwarded it.

One that you'll often encounter: "It cures autism!"

One that you'll often encounter: "It cures autism!"

There is the "miracle cure-all" panel. I think that covers it.

Quantum: it doesn't mean what Chopra (and so many others) think it does.

To be fair, in my quantum chemistry class (so many years ago) we were taught that all chemistry is a manifestation of quantum interactions (orbitals, paired and unpaired electrons, etc.) and since all biology is simply an inter-connected series of chemical reactions, you could say that quantum effects are a significant part of day-to-day life.

However, Chopra's idea that photon entanglement shows how we are all connected and his outdated belief that the presence of an observer alters the quantum state ("collapses the wave function") and thus shows that we can change reality with our thoughts... well, that is just bulls***t.

So, I'll continue to use my maxim that whenever someone mixes quantum mechanics and medicine there is a 99+% probability that they misunderstand either quantum mechanics, medicine or both.

BTW, with Chopra, it's "both".


They left out "holistic" -- which usually signals an attempt to encompass the entire reality of Mind, Body, AND Spirit. Western reductionist materialist science forgets to connect it all together like that.

Too bad the author has apparently never seen poison ivy.

I like the "it's probably Chopra" tagline -- with its tone of him being a unpleasant force of nature one occasionally encounters, like, say, flash flooding or tornadoes.

More Red Flags of Quackery:

"Boosts the immune system" - without warnings about autoimmune diseases getting worse and the very real possibility that your T lymphocytes might kill you to death.

"Activates the body's own inner wisdom to heal itself" etc.

I'm always suspicious of people promising to put the power to heal "in your own hands!" Because it seems to me Big Pharma does that for sixty bucks and no fanfare. Here's a bottle of pills literally in your hands. So if they have to shout from the mountaintops that that's what it does, it must not be self-evident.

OT, I checked out an article refuting the Jesus=Horus internet trope on SEB, and made the big mistake of following a troll's link.

Oh my H. P. Lovecraft's entire pantheon. The crazy was not what my migrainey, recupperating head with stuffy sinuses needed.

By Scott Cunningham (not verified) on 10 Mar 2011 #permalink

Don't such boring things as semiconductors and lasers require QM to explain?

Woah! Thanks for the plug! Some rebuttal: Yes, I know that's not what poison ivy looks like, it's a stylized leaf thing out of photoshop :)

Also, I state that QM can't help you directly. I do mention semiconductors and flash memory in the accompanying article.

The Telltale Quack

Thanks again, glad you like it!

Please make an elementary school safe version of this, without the unnecessary finger, and Fucking, and bullshit. Seriously.