One bad thing about TAM... that I haven't been able to go and see the last Harry Potter movie yet. My wife and I will probably go to see it next weekend. In the meantime, while I do the final preparations for our panel, I must admit, as being an uber-fan of The Lord of the Rings since I was around 13 and also being a fan of the Harry Potter series, this gave me a chuckle:

This one was close, but I think Dumbledore took down Gandalf--albeit just barely, thanks to the line:

I'll expecto my patronum on your face, you little snitch

And when I'm finished Imma fly like it's quidditch.

Yes, I know this is frivolous nonsense, but the time difference between Pacific time and East Coast time led me to wonder whatever possessed me to go to Penn Jillette's Private Rock & Roll Bacon & Doughnut Part last night. I faded fairly fast, but it was fun while it lasted. Nothing like going to do a panel discussion sleep deprived.


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I've always wondered with that series how much I'm influenced by background prejudices. Only one of the battles could I clearly pick a line and say "OWNED".

(For anyone wondering, it would be Abe Lincoln v Chuck Norris - "... you cure cancer with your tears? Well tell much Chuck, how come you never sat down and cried on your career?")

not to worry:

Weasley turns out to be Voldemort.

and in the contest of Dumbledore and Gandalf, when thrown down the steps, Dumbledore's hip broke into more pieces than Gandalf's.

but that still went down as a "win win".

I saw it last Tuesday night. It's a bit different from the book - in the film it turns out that Tom Riddle is Harry's real father. In the climax Voldemort changes side, and he and Harry kill the emperor by throwing the last horcrux into a volcano.

Oh, and the afterlife turns out to be run by British Rail.

+1 internets to Bob O'H. :-)

By Scottynuke (not verified) on 17 Jul 2011 #permalink

On an unrelated note, Orac, I'm still getting ads for quackish diets and medical therapies on the sidebar.

By Chance Gearhea… (not verified) on 17 Jul 2011 #permalink

Man, Dumbledore really took Gandalf to school on this one.

By Stevarious (not verified) on 18 Jul 2011 #permalink

On the other hand, Gandalf got a really good one in too:

Death makes you die
It just makes my brights brighter

Dang, I was going to mention that I think Gandalf wins with his Death line. Let's see Dumbledore, the mortal old fart, top that.

By Daniel J. Andrews (not verified) on 21 Jul 2011 #permalink