Because there's only one way for Orac to wish his minions, shills, and fans a Merry Christmas:
Well, maybe not. There's also this:
Both via Skepchick.
For those of you who celebrate the holidays, whatever they may be, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Festivus, or whatever, have a happy one. Be of good cheer. And, as our illustrious leader Lord Draconis would urge us, stay frosty, my friends. You will be needed. Orac shall return next week, and the the minions, shills, and flacks of pseudoscience, particularly antivaccine pseudoscience and quackery (for instance, in the comments after this article, where a homeopath and Anne Dachel of Age of Autism are going wild), never rest, holiday or no holiday.
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You will have to be more specific. Happy "holidays" to us trolls? That is nice, but it would be nicer if we knew exactly which specific holiday you werer wishing us happiness on. Could be CHRISTMAS? If so, then just say it. I promise you little antichrist heart will not stop beating if you say the word christmas. You will survive saying this word. It never hurt anyone.
Merry AfterChristmas and happy New Y--R to all. See. I can be politically incorrect too.
Don't you mean "holiday" eve and "Holiday" morning? I thought it was wrong for liberals to acknowledge Christmas.
Besides how does acknowledging the virgin birth of the Son of God fit into being an atheist anyway? I don't get it.
Another interesting subject has come to my attention. Why do employers let atheists off work on religious holidays? That is weird.
I cannot believe my eyes. Seeing the words MERRY CHRISTMAS on an extremely far left antichristian website. Almost like seeing nazis celebrating a Jewish holiday. I guess we finally won the war on Christmas. Even CBS and NBC news anchors dropped the "holiday" politically correct crap and went back to saying the word CHRISTmas again. Glad that little element of society finally faded out.
ok, let's move Christmas to May 17 and see if liberals can mess it up then.
Yes it has become more secularized. Much of society has become that way. That's what happens when liberals get power. For over 100 years left wingers have been trying to bring down all that is good. I have to admit it, though, you have done a great job. Sneaky and evil, but a great job. Oh well. We all know it will not last and will ultimately burn one dya anyway. Nice try though.
Pastafarian? I do not even eat pasta.
This loaded wiki definition is not accurate. "holiday season" could refer to any month in the calender year sicne there are numerous holidays listed on any given calender any given month, yet DECEMBER is the ONLY time we hear "holiday season". What about in October when we have so many recognized days so close together? Is that a "holiday" season?
Also, when I was in school, we used to get out for CHRISTmas break. Now the kids are brainwashed into saying "winter" break which is also innacurate since the kids do not stay gone for the entire "winter". Political correctness sucks and the people who make it happen suck even more. The only way to fight back is to annoy them into oblivion. Satan has the PC police on his leash. We may not win this round but knowing the PC people are annoyed beyond comprehension with us PC rebels is good enough for us.
Now, about that rock my stalker friend. I use it as toilet paper. I'll be sure to mail you a sample so that you may partake of my "holiday" cheer.
What is xmas? Is that like X-Men with a big ass? Assman?
Thor vs jesus? That would be interesting since jesus created the entire universe and could uncreate it just as well. He could speak Thor out of existance. Not much of a contest.
Creation myth?
Oh, you mean the one where everything created itself and all of a sudden one day a man by the name of darwin discovered that the universe created itself. Is that the myth that you rfer to?
Or do you still believe monkeys turned into men over time? Is this the myth to which you refer?
Chris, don't make me call my cousin on you. My brother is bad enough to handle but my cousin is much worse. Dr. Fartenstain will not be pleased to hear that you have been a bad boy this year.
Who are YOU to tell me that the world created itself and men decended from monkeys? Who are you to tell me that? Is taht why you are so hairy? is that why some liberals behave so badly throwing molotov cocktails and crapping on cops cars in these silly little gatherings you call protests? Who acts more like a monkey? Your side or mine?
You mud to monkey to man theory makes about as much sense as tits on a boar hog. Just a bunch of hairy things taking up space. Just like you.
Dr. Fartenstain will be called on you if you continue on your present course.
When FEMA does start rounding up political prisoners I realize my name is at the top of the list, so I will set the example for other to follow by acting like I decended from a monkey. I will take a crap in the hallway of the FEMA prison facility. I guess that's what caged animals do.
If you try hard enough, some science lab will probably sell you a Y chromosome. Then you will be a superhero. Hairy the wondergirl.
Not that is matters whether it is chrome or stainless.
I am not on any meds except what i need to be on that i put myself on. Thank you very much.
I do not see voices, but I do hear a few colors sometimes. I guess that is just the global warming kicking in.
@Narad, my new stalker
I didn;t bring up the thor issue, I only pointed out that an almighty being who spoke the universe into existence cannot be defeated by a false idol. Ever hear what what happened to the pagans of the old testament who worshipped false idols. Most of the time their fate was not good.
I would like to visit a "science" museum and fart on their evolution display. oops. Sorry to be politically incorrect. I forgot that we don't call them farts anymore, we call them "organic happenings".
You laugh at creations musuems in the manner of your choosing and I'll laugh an fake science musuems/evolutionaries in the manner that I so choose.
I do not need help. I take 5-HTP and Selenium. Thanks for th offer to help. I can take care of things in my own way.
Vaccinations change DNA structure which alter evolution. Why do you hate darwin?
What would YOU know of blasphemy? How can liberal even be blasphemous? Don't you have to first at least acknowledge God as existing before you could admit that blasphemy exists?
I do not blasphem God, I blasphem liberals. Now, go wash your pucker* and let us grown ups talk for a while.
*Pucker can refer to mouth or anus depending on the mood of the individual who refers to it. You guess which one was meant for you based upon how you responded to the aformentioned individual.
FEMA will not use trains. They use US soldiers and military vehicles. Louisiana, Georgia, and Utah are three known military built empty prisons. There are about 20 rumored to exist. UN troops,tanks,etc. have been spotted in Louisiana, oklahoma city, Utah, and the grand canyon in the last 10 years.
I bought a Snickers from a vending machine today. It tasted good. The machine worked fine. Thanks for asking.
Happy holidays to Orac, his shills and minions. I'll be leaving shortly to celebrate Christmas eve and morning with my daughter and son-in-law.
It's fun to have reached a "certain age" where I can just bring some goodies and their stockings to hang on the mantle...and leave the entertaining to the kiddies.
Happy holidays to all!
I wish you all the joys of the season, my dearest Lord, Master of the Universe !
Oops! Wrong leader....
My fondest wishes for a happy holiday, Oh Esteemed and Graciously Revered Host, *Ordinateur sans pareil*, to you and yours!
My warmest regards to my fellow shills, sister minions, and the ever-present lurkers. Here's a virtual toast to you! (Actually, it's a real toast).
Shouldn't that be "Holiday" Hedgehogs?
Shouldn't That be "Holiday" Choir Festival?
Hmmm. I guess we won the war on Christmas after all. Seems like that silly "holiday" mess is fading away. it was in interesting media fad while it lasted. Glad to see the world back to normal again.
Happy Holidays.
I will try to be joyous, although I just found out that a local has not only been fleeced by Burzynski, not only has a generous person wrongly given his/her money in support, but they're protesting outside of her former hospital for not offering his 'treatment.'
Bah humbug.
HTML fail. I'm off for a bike ride. :)
No mention of Newton's birthday?
Who is newton?
Fig newton?
I think i will.
Frosty? Not so frosty here, 39C for Xmas Eve.
But much more civilised this morning.
Whoops, forgot the important part.
Have a happy day everyone.
Apologies to the transparent one and all fellow minions and likeminded sneaky folks for the oversight.
What, our checks are not in the mail?
Constantly Morphing Idiot @ #4:
When I was a little kid, over 50 years ago, my mom would buy boxed sets of Christmas cards, maybe 48, in 4 stacks of 12. Just so they weren't all the same, one stack would say: "Merry Christmas". The others would say: "Happy Holidays", "Season's Greetings", maybe "Joyeux Noël"...nobody got their Poise Pads in a pucker about it till Bill O'Reilly and FAUX Noise⢠needed something to gin up wingnut outrage over. Congratulations on being such a Useful Idiotâ¢.
And Happy Whichever Holiday to everyone else!
Happy Holidays to Orac and my fellow shills and minions! I have enjoyed the repartee over the past year and delighting in the knowledge and humour of all of you. Quite a bumper crop of trolls, conspiracy nutters and alt-med wingnuts; I'm looking forward to another year with even MORE anti-vax and sCAM lunacy. Cheers all and have a safe and fun New Year!
If you're still running on the Julian calendar, Isaac Newton's birthday is on December 25th, as celebrated by fellow Scienceblogs blogger Chad Orzel in his Advent Calendar of Physics.
Incidentally, for the trivia-minded only a few years ago I was singing in the choir that performed the Carol of the Bells flash mob that Darth Vader conducted.
Anyway, a merry Christmas (Saturnalia, Kwanzaa, &c &c) to all, and to all a good night!
Hoping you, and you, and you (you know who you are, my fellow shills & minions) are having a joyous and peaceful weekend, whatever way you celebrate.
Turkey's roasting, the bacon jam* is reducing, and I'm hanging out with my closest friend. The kids will arrive in about an hour or so.
Hope it is a good for you.
*awesomely delicious new treat that another skeptic told me about. The Lasso of Truth AND a silver balloon whip!
Happy Holidays to Orac and family! I've been reading for so long I'd be remiss if I didn't stop by; here's to hoping there'll be more insolence for many years to come!
A big thank you for the first video from my whole family!
Happy Holidays to Orac and all the shills and minions. And, even to the trolls.
Enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Happy Sol Invictus to Orac and all the shills and minions. May you all enjoy the generosity of Lord Draconis and remain insolent throughout the new year. To all the the trolls, may the Krampus* go easy on you.
The latest Monster Talk podcast begins with an interview with the Krampus.
¡Fleece Navidad!
Happiest of winter celebrations (whichever way you name it; I've read there is a NEED to do this for mental health and its common anthropologically in northern hemisphere civilizations) to Orac, minions, eeeevil overlords and whomever else wishes to make merry!
May your coming year be filled with joy and peace.
Mrs Woo
Thank you, Orac, for the first video...
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays...
Merry Mithrasmas.
You will have to be more specific. Happy "holidays" to us trolls? That is nice, but it would be nicer if we knew exactly which specific holiday you werer wishing us happiness on. Could be CHRISTMAS? If so, then just say it. I promise you little antichrist heart will not stop beating if you say the word christmas. You will survive saying this word. It never hurt anyone.
Merry AfterChristmas and happy New Y--R to all. See. I can be politically incorrect too.
Oh, deer. Brave Sir Robin Right Wingnut is confused. It is time to burn a Jul (Yule)log for the Winter Solstice, have a feast of sacrificed beast and try to see Odin charging across the sky on Sleipnir. Uff da!
Hmmm, constantly morphing, language mangling troll has been "indulging" a bit too much. He should have tossed the leftover Christmas eggnog.
Happy Boxing Day and best wishes for St. Stephen's day, as well.
Hi Chris, I hope your holiday celebration was joyous. I had a lovely time with my daughter, son-in-law and his parents Christmas eve and Christmas morning.
My hubby is busy playing with his new iPod docking and speaker system and will be showing me how to operate my new Kindle...which should be "fun" for this techie-deficient lady.
See. I can be politically incorrect too.
"Too"? Anyway, why don't you do something interesting like, oh, I dunno, explicitly reconciling the principle of soul competency with your behavior here? An emphasis on Galatians 5:13 would seem to be offer some opportunities, and you like to write, right?
Merry Christmas
Happy Boxing Day to all.
@lilady - I love my Kindle - let me know if you haven't found the links for the better-reviewed free and cheap books there are.
Happy Boxing Day!
A Merry Christmas to all, and I hope you all join in discovering the true meaning of Christ.
A very Merry Christmas, I hope we join in discovering the meaning of Christ.
Enjoy 2012 - it's not the end of the world!
Hope Orac, his Ilk and all the Shills & Minions are having a wonderful ChriFSMas. Did you all include at least a little Pasta and Rum in your feast in honour of Him?
The problem for you is right in the first two words.
You might be surprised to learn that Christmas is at present a thoroughly secular holiday that incorporates some religious elements for only some people who observe it. (This has even been recognized legally: the decision in Ganulin v. United States [1999] in US federal court suggested that Christmas "has become largely secularized.") Christmas in most Western countries is a cultural holiday, not a religious one, so no atheist has to acknowledge the virgin birth of Jesus Christ or any other part of Christian theology if they want to observe the holiday.
Who but you deem RI as an antichristian website?
By your logic, seeing as the world's population don't all bow to your particular flavour of religious dogma, virtually the whole world is antichristian.
In fact there are 38000 official variations Christianity. Which flavour are you? Anyone who believes/follows a non-creationist version is antichristian in your eyes? Your preferred flavour of Christianity is the "One True Flavour"(TM)and all the rest are pretenders?
(note..even the creationist versions disagree on particular beliefs/dogmas)
As to the "holiday" politically correct crap", Holiday (note the upper case "H")is also an official Pastafarian term referring to the holiday season..
Now time to get back under your rock Medicien man/Dr smart sock puppet.
Interesting that of all of the posters in this thread, the only one that isn't in the vein of the holiday spirit is the one that claims to be the most "Christian."
Just let your true colors continue to shine through.....
Don't you mean "holiday" eve and "Holiday" morning? I thought it was wrong for liberals to acknowledge Christmas."
Fool...everyone on this site knows that I am a Christian...and a liberal...and have many friends who are Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and....
Now about your "problem"...see II Peter 2:10. I cannot offer any suggestions about your deplorable mangling of the English language and your despicable narrow-minded thinking processes.
Don't you mean "holiday" eve and "Holiday" morning? I thought it was wrong for liberals to acknowledge Christmas."
Fool...everyone on this site knows that I am a Christian...and a liberal...and have many friends who are Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and....
Now about your "problem"...see II Peter 2:10. I cannot offer any suggestions about your deplorable mangling of the English language and your xenophobia.
A Merry Christmas to all, and I hope you all join in discovering the true meaning of Christ.
A curious name choice for disseminating links to David Stewart, particularly given the American Daily author of the same name.
What Christmas, the religious or the secular holiday? The religious holiday, if you really want to strive for accuracy based on gospel accounts, should be earlier, probably more like September or October. (Personally, as someone who is not fond of winter and was born on the first day of the year, I would be more than happy to relocate the date to a different place in the year, but I won't be holding my breath for that change.)
You act as though this has been a government action - it's not. If anything, it is the power of capitalism that has replaced the traditional religious symbols of Christianity with more secular ones (Santa Claus and Christmas trees). I don't suppose you have anything negative to say about capitalism, do you?
And besides, you act like this is a bad thing: it's only a bad thing if you're interested in religious purity to the exclusion of a number of non-religious individuals. You're entitled to that, of course, but some of us don't really want to tell others that they're not allowed to celebrate a holiday because they're not doing it right.
At any rate, happy holidays, season's greetings, and a happy new year to you, strange troll.
@ Mrs. Woo: Obviously...I am not "there yet" with computer technology...hence the double posts.
Do I detect the cannabis troll posting as "Aaron Goldstein"?
"ok, let's move Christmas to May 17 and see if liberals can mess it up then."
But...there are already a number of holidays and observances on May 17th...
Norwegian Constitution Day
Vesak Full Moon Poya Day (shout-out to our Buddhist posters)
World Information Society Day (Observed by the U.N.)
National Cherry Cobbler Day
Mr. Goldstein:
Thor is more awesome. And at least Brave Sir Robin Right Wingnut has acknowledged the Norse and Nordic origins of many of our winter solstice celebrations by suggesting May 17th, which is Norwegian Constitution Day.
If Jesus did exist, his birth was not in the middle of winter. Even the spring equinox celebrations have roots in much older civilizations, even to the point that the new year was late March in England into the 1700s. The symbols are related to fertility and new growth, like eggs and rabbits. There is a reason that Easter sounds so close to "estrus."
I know it is too late to ask Christians to stop stealing traditions from other religions/civilizations (though some of my Puritan ancestors understood and banned them, including the celebration of Christmas), but you can at least learn their origins.
Hmmm... we ate all of the poffertjes yesterday (they need to be eaten soon after coming off the pan), but I still have some rosettes. Ummm, lovely crunchy fried Scandinavian cookies with a hint of cardamom. I did not make fatigmann bakkels, as the pasta like dough is evil to roll out (and my grandmother's recipe actually calls for ten eggs and a wine glass of brandy!).
@Roger Kulp
Nice :)
Required link for any mention of Thor vs. Jesus.
Happy Boxing Day to all.
Well I've always contended that Tequila Chrismas Cake is more appreciated and seemingly tastier if made and consumed on any day from Boxing Day to New Years Day. Preparing it Boxing Day is usually my pick, however I couldn't find the cat so now I'll have to go out tomorrow and get another tottle of Bequila.
I got stuck in moderation...again.
"ok, let's move Christmas to May 17 and see if liberals can mess it up then."
May 17th is already loaded up with religious, secular and national holidays and observances:
-Norwegian Constitution Day
-Vesak Full Moon Poya Day (Buddhist's most holy day)
-World Information Society Day (observance of the U.N.)
-National Cherry Cobbler Day
Is Aaron Goldstein our pothead morphing troll?
This blog is loaded with sock puppets
Well, I'm not religious but I did spend an hour in Allsaints** this evening, does that count?
Maybe that's the heart of the issue: consumerism is the True Religion(tm) at this time of year.
** over-hip shop featuring a palette (faded blue/grey/black) that suit yours truly- although their wares make me confused about whether to buy women's or men's. Good music.
Has anyone viewed awful family holiday photos websites...they are a riot.
I'm reminded of a conversation I had with a close friend who received one of those dreadful bragging newsy holiday letters, just chock full of her cousin's brilliant children's accomplishments, fun-filled expensive family vacations, new "acquisitions", blah, blah.
It had been an especially tumultuous sad year for us both. In order to lighten things up...I made up my own "special" holiday letter and mailed it to her. She cherishes it...but then we are "known" for our black humor.
my grandmother's recipe actually calls for ten eggs and a wine glass of brandy!
The perfect Xmas breakfast.
I'm always amused when miseducated people from either camp think "Xmas" is "taking the Christ out of Christmas." LOL, right... 'cause it's not like "Christ" has been abbreviated to its first Greek letter Chi, which looks like X, for centuries, or anything... oh wait, it has.
Ah, but what can you expect from nuts who think they're "imprisoned" by cruel, ruthless authorities who are nevertheless letting them have unfettered Internet access?
Brave Sir Robin Right Wingnut:
No that was Raven. He stole the sun and created the world.
Who are you to tell us which creation myth to believe?
Thor vs jesus? That would be interesting since jesus created the entire universe and could uncreate it just as well. He could speak Thor out of existance. Not much of a contest.
Wow, sloppy and cartoonish Christology. There's a surprise.
I haven't told you which creation myth to believe in, that is what you were doing. If you looked closely I actually switched to a different civilization.
I see you are off your meds again. You should see someone for your paranoid delusions and the voices in your head.
And I still do not possess a Y-chromosome.
When FEMA does start rounding up political prisoners I realize my name is at the top of the list, so I will set the example for other to follow by acting like I decended from a monkey. I will take a crap in the hallway of the FEMA prison facility.
Yah, I think "will shit for Jesus" was probably in your dossier already.
While it isn't "sock-puppetry" per-se, it is obvious that the same individual is posting under numerous alias'. Isn't that a big no-no with Orac?
Not that I mind - I find it interesting that the same people that claim the government is completely incompetent, also claim that this same "incompetent" government would be somehow capable of instituting martial law (and using FEMA, seriously? One of the worst run agencies in US History....) and acting with complete and utter secrecy?
The logical sommersaults these wackos have to perform on a daily basis just to attempt to keep their stories straight is quite something to watch.
Oh, wow. Brave Sir Robin Right Wingnut is a complete idiot. He really has no clue about Y-chromosomes (a not quite completed X).
@ Lawrence:
re: keeping their stories straight
Oh, they sound exactly like the type of nonsense I read/ hear on a daily basis. I truly wish that I might run into a really *original* conspiracy theory or *new* way to explain why we are indeed living in the End Times ( Armagedon? Mayan Calendar? Solar flares? Polar reversal? Countdown to Economic Gotterdammerung? So old hat!)
No, I fear that our trolls may be accessing the information to which only a select few are privy ... which also belongs in the privy, loo, outhouse.
I didn;t bring up the thor issue, I only pointed out that an almighty being who spoke the universe into existence cannot be defeated by a false idol.
Let me guess, this is an instantiation of what "once saved, always saved" churns out? Was that you posting as "Aaron Goldstein"?
What's the difference between Jesus, the Messiah, and the element of the Godhead? Which one would have to "defeat a false idol"? What does the Old Covenant have to do with the price of tea in China?
@ Nut with anal preoccupation.
[...since jesus created the entire universe and could uncreate it just as well.]
So there was no universe in existence when the little baby Jesus was born? No Bethlehem? No manger? No Mary? No Romans? No Jews?-
I haven't heard that version before.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true creator of the universe. Open yourself up to the touch of His Noodley and let His enlightenment come unto you
[When FEMA does start rounding up political prisoners I realize my name is at the top of the list]`
Your self perception of your own importance needs some serious recalibration.
p.s. Why all the different names mm? Is it some sort of an aid in self reinforcement of your delusional paranoia?
I haven't heard that version before.
The eternal coexistence of the Son and the Father is pretty standard Trinity theology.
errm...let me Append that last sentence..
"Open yourself up to the touch of His Noodley Appendages and let His enlightenment come unto you"
Oh yes. I thought that was what crunchy nut was getting at.
Just haven't ever heard much regurgitation in the way of "Jesus created the universe". Even from the most extreme evangelical creationists.
Been a while since I've spent any time playing with them though and they do have a penchant changing emphasis as they go along.
I know the Catholic church is big on the trinity, but most of the evangelicals & such don't consider Catholics to be Real Christians(TM)
Leastwise those Southern "burn in hell"/"the end is nigh" creationist types.
Just haven't ever heard much regurgitation in the way of "Jesus created the universe". Even from the most extreme evangelical creationists.
Yah, I mean, he's not very careful with language. I suppose it could be some sort of Pentecostal Oneness routine with an overflowing gravy boat of Dispensationalism on the side, but I'm inclined to stick with simple, dumb, Get Out of Hell Free Card ideation for the time being.
(The trick here being that "Jesus' Name" doctrine takes baptism more seriously than the Baptists.)
And who is the Holy Ghost? I have not quite figured that one out. Many of the evangelicals really hang on to the trinity.
One thing I noted in my brief bit going to a Unitarian Church was a plaque from the neighboring reform Jewish congregation thanking them for their adherence to monotheism. When you think about it, the use of saints and the trinity are a reflection of the polytheism of the native pagan beliefs of area around the Mediterranean and north into Europe.
By the way, I grew up attending Army Chapel Protestant services. That is where there was a Protestant chaplain of varying flavor each year, and whose office was next to the Catholic and Jewish chaplain. Services included both an alter and in pew communion, and a blend of various types of services. We went to Christmas Eve Candlelight services passing by both a nativity and a Menorah. My confirmation into the Plymouth Congregationalist Church (stepmother* decision, my dad was Presbyterian) was done by a Methodist chaplain, with a Baptist youth minister at confirmation classes, even though I was baptized by an Episcopal chaplain.
When I was last in an Army chapel for a wedding I noticed there were meeting groups for Buddhists, Muslims, the Baha'i, and others. Would Brave Sir Robin Right Wingnut deny the faith of the soldiers who protect the American Constitution? Of course the only chaplains on staff were the big three: Roman Catholic, Jewish and the Protestant flavor of the year.
I have a comment in moderation, but it brings up the issue of what is the Holy Ghost?
Oh, and why on this borrowed laptop the Chrome browser does not do auto-complete in the name and email boxes? It is very annoying.
Sure Jesus created the universe...and the earth is only two thousand or five thousand years old...dependent on reading the New or the Old testaments.
I always wanted to visit "creation museums" to see the animatron dinosaurs gamboling with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and boarding Noah's Ark two-by-two.
@ Fema Prisoner: You simply must stop posting here and get some "help" for your anal/elimination fixations. Why not post under your first 'nym...Orac and the regulars here despise sock puppets.
I'm not a pneumatologist. Obviously, it enabled the virgin birth. It mediates the effect of physical baptism for those who think physical baptism has a nonsymbolic effect. It is presumably the mechanism that underlies speaking in tongues. It's a supernatural Swiss Army knife.
This I'd prefer to see some evidence for. Textually, there were some things that had to be reconciled.
I can take care of things in my own way.
What, pray tell, do you think that popping up here to drop your pants and roll around on the floor "takes care of"?
It could be selenium toxicity, organic brain syndrome or terminatio deiectio oris.
fema prisoner wrote:
That's blasphemy. Why do you hate Jesus?
I do not blasphem God
How do you know? You can't even stake out a coherent theological position. Frankly, I think something went wrong during what you think was being saved and you're simply too thick to have noticed. When that FEMA train comes for you, it might not be headed toward an earthly destination. I'll bet the vending machines are all broken, too.