(Not) Coming this Summer: An Inconvenienced Superman

In attempts to find climate changing culprits aside from greenhouse gases, numerous suggestions have been made. Some have been plausible but didn't match the data. Others were dubious. One, however, is downright devious.

We're talking, of course, about Lex Luthor.

The plays on "Inconvenient Truth" keep coming. In the tradition of "Brokeback to the Future" and "Must Love Jaws," some bright folks have mashed up the theatrical trailers for "An Inconvenient Truth" and "Superman Returns." Throw in a few Al Gore overdubs and you get "An Inconvenienced Superman," a movie where Lex Luthor is the menace behind global warming, Al Gore is the messenger, and Superman would rather not be bothered. You can check out the short here.

How much easier would fighting climate change be if it was just like fighting a supervillain? Or any singular source that can be vilified? Who might defend Luthor? Would it be any weirder than this bizzaroworld?


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