Blog break

I'm going to take a week and a half or so off. More posts after I'm back.

More like this

So the last time we heard from our heroine, she was battling the evil germ invasion. But that was over a week ago. What's happened? Has our heroine successfully fought off the germs, brought balance and rest back to her life, and gotten back on track with work? Well, not exactly. She's just…
The rowing one, that is. It was just like last year except wetter, and we were better, but our cox was less lovely. Oh, and as promised, this is the last of the random rowing-n-running types posts here. You need to go to the other blog for that from now on, except for important stuff like the…
Hi Folks - It has been a week since I hit the wall and took off from the computer, and I'm back, at least sort of. The combination of a lingering illness, exhaustion from trying to finish the book, stress from a book not doing what I wanted to and just way too much time in front of the computer…
I'm giving my talk about blogs as a tool for science outreach again on Monday, and need an updated version of the cute-kid picture screenshot I use in that. So here's a composite of the two kid pictures I posted a week or two ago, because it should all fit on screen, even on my laptop. I probably…

Stay well til then. Try not to stress yourself out too much.

Dude, fuck everybody. WIN this battle

By anonymous (not verified) on 09 May 2007 #permalink

Call if you need us. Any of us. We'll be here.

News has just come over the wire that Prof. Gonzales, the creationist, was denied tenure at Iowa State Un. Maybe that will open up a position there. In any event, something to look into.