The sound of thundering silence

Carl has added Jack Kemp to his pantheon of creationist-friendly pols after coming across the Republican presidential-wannabe's latest column, which attempts to cast doubt on the notion that pro-evolution forces aren't doing as well as the liberal media would have us believe.

I second Carl's motion and draw your attention to what has to be one of the most absurd comments to follow the publication of everyone's favorite anti-intellectual screed, Ann Coulter's Godless. Here's Kemp describing the reaction to the book:

Despite bitter denunciations by liberals, funny thing, there has been a thundering silence about the one-third of her book in which she deconstructs Darwinism.

Ah. Must be a use for the term "silence" with which I was not previously not familiar. Let's Google "Coulter" and "Darwin" and see what we find.

1. A clip in which the first thing we hear is a satirical reference to Coulter's well-known expertise as an evolutionary biologist.

2. A Skeptic Friends page lambasting Coulter's reasoning as nazi-like.

3. A Radioleft blog post in which Coulter's writing is described as "irrational ravings."

And so on ad naseum. Oh, but wait, there's a great item that makes No. 10: A Mediamatters column devoted to Coulter's inability to understand the most basic elements of evolutionary theory and column about her now infamous "Flatulent Raccoon" theory.

OK. That's enough. I know I didn't really need to prove anything to you. But it seemed incumbent to at least try to balance out of the blogosphere with a counterpost.


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