Friday freak show

If this isn't a sign of the apocalypse, I don't know what is. Seven legs, double-gendered and bowel-challenged, according to the Herald-Sun. What a way to start your weekend. (Click for full size image.)

I came across the story while reading that Pope B16 says "there is much scientific proof in favor of evolution." Well, that's settles that, then.


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I can haz Inteleegint Dezyn plz?


I was thinking that this poor creature was some form of conjoined twin, but the article says that it's a hermaphrodite. True conjoined twins are same-sexed, although I suppose malformed genitalia could look hermaphroditic. I hope that they send it to a veterinary college for an autopsy.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 03 Aug 2007 #permalink