I'm just saying ...

... are you really prepared for President Sarah Palin?


More like this

As with any job candidate, the employer has a right to require a physical by the company's doctors, and to force submission to a piss test. In front of witnesses.

That last would probably trip off McNasty's temper and might cause a fatal tantrum.

By Serjis Werking (not verified) on 17 Sep 2008 #permalink

Looks like someone hacked Ms. Palin's "semi" personal email address "gov.palin@yahoo.com" and found that she was using it to conceal (and then illegally destroy) correspondence regarding some not too legitimate things she was doing as Governor. I got the link from Gizmodo, which is a pretty legit site for tech news. The account has since been disabled, but it looks real. Check it out


Excellent article:

John McCain and the Lying Game

Koch said Palin 'Scares the Hell Out of Me'...well its McCain who should scare the hell out of us too selecting someone like Palin.

McCain has lost it for sure...hes not fit to rule america....

The Big Whisper: What's Up With John McCain?