Climate change dropped from The Weather Channel

For the most past few months I've been making brief posts at The Weather Channel's Forecast Earth website, as part of a team of bloggers concerned with climate change and our relationship to the planet in general. Looks like I won't be doing that for much longer, given the news that NBC, which bought TWC earlier this year, just fired the entire Forecast Earth team and killed the show. It was the only weekly program on TV devoted to the climate.

And right in the middle of NBC's Green Week. Oh well.

I've got a contract that sees my TWC relationship through the end of the year, but I'm not holding out much hope it will be renewed. At least the news from Washington w.r.t. global warming is good.


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bwahahahahahahahaahahaahhahahaha. The irony is priceless and the result is oh so perfect.

looks like well beat this climate change problem now.

Heres the real truth about stabilizing at 350 ppm - we arent going to do it with the current mind set

Coals return raises pollution threat
Rising prices are spurring plans for a big increase in mining despite a threat to climate change goals environment/ 2008/ nov/ 23/ fossil-fuels-pollution

Britain is poised to expand its coal mining industry, despite fears that the move will lead to a rise in climate change emissions and harm communities and the environment.

Freedom of information requests and council records show that in the past 18 months 14 companies have applied to dig nearly 60 million tonnes of coal from 58 new or enlarged opencast mines. At least six coal-fired power stations are planned. If all the applications are approved, the fastest expansion of UK coal mining in 40 years could see southern Scotland and Northumberland become two of the most heavily mined regions in Europe.

Bastards. I'd say may they rot in hell, but I am afraid that hell is coming for breakfast.

James you really should post a eulogy to Heid Cullen. Or, better, write a country song about her. Maybe call it "An ode to the stupid liberal alarmist, she buttered her bread and now she is laying in it."

Close your eyes, plug your ears, and repeat after NBC:

"This is not really happening!"
"This is not really happening!"
"This is not really happening!"

You'd think if the Bush years taught anyone anything, it would be that reality does matter, after all.

James, the fact that Heidi switched over to working for Climate Central a while back would be consistent with an intent by TWC to use their content. Is that possibly the case?

Re the blog, have they shared with you any information on traffic?

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink

Also, they seem to have just now added Steve Lyons to the blogging team, which is odd if they're planning to get rid of the blog.

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Stick to the science" indeed. (while you read that post below dumping on Sara Palin). My god James are you for real?

James - I read with interest your NOv 20 post on Forecast Earth which talked about the dramatic rescue of some tourists that were trapped by melting and flooding on Baffin Isle. You stated it occurred "the other day", when actually it occured back during the summer melt. Are you truly that disingenuous? Or is it a competency issue? Either way, why should anyone believe anything you write or cite given your obviously biased alarmist liberal viewpoint and propensity for unecessary over the top drama? - your pal, Tippy the Tipping PointTip

By Tip Tip Tiperoo (not verified) on 25 Nov 2008 #permalink