I wish they were right

From the Center for American Progress, via Climate Progress:

and from the comments to Joe Romm's post:

Mark Shapiro says:
August 18, 2009 at 11:01 am

. . . "It would be great if the skeptics were right!"

That's a near-perfect rejoinder whether debating a skeptic or just chatting with friends. Followed with:

"Then the only value of clean, safe renewable energy would be clean air, better health, stronger national security, and conserving our natural heritage.

(I'm easing back into real blogging after a few weeks of vacation followed by intense real work.)


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Ah, but which 'skeptics' do we wish were right? The ones that say it's not happening, the ones that say it is but that we've had nothing to do with it, the ones that say it is happening, but that it's a good thing, or the ones that claim, with entirely straight faces (figuratively speaking) ALL THREE?

By Nils Ross (not verified) on 19 Aug 2009 #permalink