Thanks for coming out

I really should do this more often, but probably won't manage it again for another five years, so...

Thank you for reading this blog. There's a long list of regular readers and commenters who have helped make the Island of Doubt a project something approaching a worthy project, including Scott Belyea, Bob Koepp, Lance, dhogaza, Chris Salmon, paulm and Hume's Ghost. Not all of you share the concerns that inform my posts, but you keep coming back. And I appreciate it.

I don't moderate comments here, and for the most part I haven't felt the need because the vast majority of the exchanges remain respectful. I hope that remains the case next year.

I also want to thank the climatologists responsible for, Joe Romm at Climate Progress, William "Stoat" Connelly, Tim "Deltoid" Lambert and Andy "Dot Earth" Revkin for their tireless work, work that often drew my attention to findings of significance that might have otherwise slipped past my radar.

Also on my list are all the publicists who keep sending me books to review. I have tried to find the time to read each one and share my thoughts. For those who might still be waiting, I shall do my best in the 2010 to catch up.

And finally I'd like to thank James Delingpole, a climate change pseudoskeptic writing for the Telegraph whose recent pointer to this blog generated a modest amount of new traffic and readers in the UK, some of whom no doubt discovered to their surprise that what I'd written about James Randi turned out to be the exact opposite of what Delingpole said I'd written, thus further undermining Delingpole's credibility. Two birds with one stone.


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James Hrynyshyn is one of my SciBlings and part of the large North Carolina contingent. He lives in a small town of Saluda in the Western part of the state and blogs mainly about climate science and related policy on Island of Doubt. He is also one of those "repeat offenders" - he…

Thanks back atcha from another regular reader, if not regular commenter... appreciate your work... thx.

By rustneversleeps (not verified) on 29 Dec 2009 #permalink

rustneversleeps comment gets a second and is therefore entered into the record ;) Cheers and keep up the good work James!

By Rob Monkey (not verified) on 29 Dec 2009 #permalink

I have to echo what rustneversleeps syas.

Thanks for the work, James.

By Rob Girard (not verified) on 29 Dec 2009 #permalink

I rarely comment anywhere anymore, but am always reading James! See you in couple weeks hopefully. Keep on fighting the fight man!

Yeah, for some reason you are on my short list of blogs hear at Sb that I check regularly.

As you know I disagree with much of what you write but you do seem to be earnest (if misguided) in your approach.

I keep hoping you will realize that you're being manipulated and that you will widen you research base beyond the usual alarmist sources.

You seem like a nice honest guy. Try to keep an open mind as I will.

Keep it up, James. And Happy New Year.

There you have it folks. A vast mob of 6 morons that have no concept of reality and no purpose for life outside the obviously enjoyable self hand-wringing associated with their blind faith in the joke of a religion called man-made global warming.
Keep up the great work with your new "book" James 'John Smith' Hrynyshyn! May you find 6 more agw religion believer nuts in the new year.

By Useful Idiots (not verified) on 01 Jan 2010 #permalink